



相關信件並未全數被公布!原始資料請 https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/about_ico_commissioners_decision#incoming-1980587另請參考《呷新聞https://www.eatnews.net/article-2/20220224-2/

— 時間:2011年7月13日,15:04
— 發文單位資訊:LSE研究學位辦公室(https://www2.lse.ac.uk/researchStudents/Home.aspx)→Research Degrees Unit? Research Degrees Office?
— 發文、收文者:(塗黑)
— 主題:回覆 / 蔡英文(RE: TSAI, Ing Wen)
— 內容:I have Ing Wen TSAI's paper file from our archives. According to that she was registered at LSE, on the PhD in Law, from October 1980 until June 1982. She submitted her thesis, entitled "Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions" to the UoL for examination, and was awarded the PhD on 14 March 1984. I hope this information is helpful.
— 大意:根據檔案室的資料,蔡英文在LSE法律系博士班的註冊時間為1980年10月到1982年6月,向倫敦大學提交的論文題目是「不公平貿易與防衛機制」,並於1984年3月14日取得博士學位。

— 時間:2011年7月13日,16:27
— 發文單位資訊:倫敦大學總圖(Senate House Library, University of London)
— 發文、收文者:(塗黑)→收文者似乎同為圖書館人員,名叫Maria!
— 主題:轉發 / 蔡英文1984年博士學位(FW: TSAI, Ing Wen PhD 1984)→基於以上資訊而加字!
— 內容:See the response from (?) below. Please could I trouble you to check your paper records and see if we can work out what theses copies we should have had, and any clues as to what might have happened? I looked at the national (formerly ASLIB) Index to Theses which indicates that we did have an SHL copy once, but I still can't find a catalogue entry (it should be online catalogue, with a note added to indicate if it's been withdrawn to send to LSE, which should have happened.) Many thanks→ASLIB乃Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaus的縮寫,1983年後增加了The Association for Information Management等字樣;1987年10月出版的索引中收錄了蔡英文的論文摘要!
— 大意:根據ASLIB協會的論文索引,總圖曾經有過論文,但是找不到書目紀錄;這應該是線上目錄,而且會標明是否已在撤銷後還給了LSE才對。

— 時間:2011年7月18日,11:25
— 發文單位資訊:倫敦大學總圖(Senate House Library, University of London)
— 發文、收文者:(塗黑)
— 主題:
轉發 / 蔡英文1984年博士學位(FW: TSAI, Ing Wen PhD 1984)
— 內容:I can add to the email below that I tracked down the 1984 card output from the computer system, so I know we once had a copy on the shelf and on our online catalogue, and that we sent the College copy to IALS, but they don't have it either, so I'm wondering if the award was queried and the copies removed from the catalogue?
— 大意:根據電腦系統中

— 時間:2011年7月19日,17:27
— 發文單位資訊:倫敦大學研究學位考試
辦公室(……Research Degree Examinations, University of London)→前半部遭塗黑!
— 主題:回覆 / 蔡英文1984年博士學位(RE: TSAI, Ing Wen PhD 1984)
— 內容:Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. We have had the old file out of the archives. Our records show the candidate was awarded in February 1984. It also clarifies that we were chasing the examiners and the candidates supervisor for the return of the examination copies up to 1 1/2 years after the award was issued, but there is no written entry to clarify whether or not they were ever received back, We still appear to have on file the green "record form" and the "reproductions of thesis form" that we would usually have sent to you with the theses. So, it may be that only one copy of the thesis (the spare 3rd examination copy, in those days) was sent to you some time after the close of the examination, once it was apparent to us that no headway was being made with obtaining the examiners copies for you, we cannot be sure. We have no record on this file relating to the possibility of the award or the theses being withdrawn. I have also spoken with (?) and she states that she does not recall this thesis being withdrawn or the award revoked-such things happen so infrequently, she feels she would have remembered, and the file would also be littered with appropriate notifications & signatures if that were the case. We can't shed any light on the whereabouts of the copy you appear to have had at some stage. →第三者的名字遭塗黑!
— 大意:檔案室的資料還顯示,直到學位授予後的一年半,都沒有考官和指導老師繳回審閱本,而卷宗內似乎還存有未遞交的「記錄表」和「論文複製表」。也許當初發送出去的是備用的第三份應




原始資料請見 https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/about_ico_commissioners_decision#incoming-1980587以及 https://richardsonreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/RE_-Need-to-find-a-1984-Ph.D.-dissertation-in-y.pdf,並請參考 https://richardsonreport.com/ 的其他相關檔案。

— 時間:
— 發文單位資訊:(?)→LSE圖書館
— 發文、收文者、副本收件人:(塗黑)
— 主題:1984年LSE法學博士論文(PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:I manage the LSE Theses Online repository at LSE Library. A thesis indexed in ProQuest (please see screenshot below) has been requested from us. We unfortunately do not have a record of this thesis in the Library. I have also been looking in the Senate House catalogue, and have been unable to locate a thesis by this author. From my experience, Senate House Library still keeps a record of the theses they held from LSE students, but with a note saying it has been returned to the institution. I have checked our alumni database and I can confirm that Tsai, 1-W did graduate with a PhD in Law in 1984. This query is quite urgent. The author in question is the leader of a Taiwanese political party and is running in the upcoming elections. She is receiving a lot of publicity and consequently we have been contacted multiple times in the past two days. If you could email or phone me by the end of the day just so I know that someone is looking into this, that would be wonderful.
— 大意:有人詢問ProQuest資料庫裡面的一篇論文,但是在LSE圖書館和倫大總圖都查詢不到;照理說,總圖會有收取和退回的記錄。在校友資料庫中,蔡英文於1984 年取得法學博士學位,而她即將參與台灣的一場選舉。→美國ProQuest資料庫
的相關書目是2009年建立的,並無實體論文!至於LSE people的World leaders欄位的蔡英文資訊,可能是2016年建檔的!

— 時間:2015年6月24日,11:19
— 發文單位資訊:總圖客服(Customer Services, Senate House Library)
— 發文、收文者:(塗黑)
— 主題:回覆 / 1984年LSE法學博士論文(RE: PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:Many thanks for your email. I have done a bit of research for you and can confirm that we have no record of the thesis on our on-line catalogue. However, we do have an old card catalogue covering theses from the 1980s and there is a card for this one which indicates that we were due to receive the thesis, but it never arrived. Unfortunately, no reason was given regarding its non-receipt which is not much help! The thesis does not appear to be on the British Library Ethos service either. You could try contacting (?) to see if anybody there can help you. "The Office is responsible for maintaining student records. The work in the Transcripts Office involves detailed research and information gathering in order to certify complex academic profiles dating back from 1936 onwards. The work carried out in the Transcripts Office is for students and graduates across the schools and colleges of the University of London including International Programmes." Hope you are able to track a copy down!→單位名稱遭塗黑!
— 大意:總圖的線上目錄中沒有論文,但是有一張舊式卡片記錄著:我們應該收到論文,但是從未送達。可惜並未給出理由!大英圖書館的EThOS似乎也沒有論文。也許負責維護學生記錄的(某單位?)可以協助。

— 時間:2015年6月24日,11:26
— 發文單位資訊:LSE→LSE圖書館
— 發文、收文者、副本收件人:(塗黑)→倫大總圖
— 主題:轉發 / 1984年LSE法學博士論文(FW: PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:I work at the LSE Library, managing LSE Theses Online. Your colleague
(?) at Senate House Library has given me your contact details in the hope you may be able to help with my query. I am searching for a LSE PhD thesis that was awarded in 1984 from the Dept of Law to a 1-W Tsai. According to the Senate House Library card catalogue there is a note that indicates that the library was due to receive the thesis but it never arrived. Would you have any record in your files that might indicate if the thesis was not circulated for some reason. All the details are in the below email chain. It is a very urgent query but it is proving quite difficult to solve. Any details on Ms Tsai may help us to ascertain why the thesis never reached any of the libraries.同事姓名遭塗黑!
— 大意:根據總圖的卡片目錄,論文並未送達。也許可以找到任何細節來說明其原因。

— 時間:2015年6月24日,14:28
— 發文單位資訊:倫敦大學國際學程成績室(Transcripts Office, University of London International Programmes)
— 發文、收文者、副本收件人:(塗黑)
— 主題:回覆 / 1984年LSE法學博士論文(RE: PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:Thank you for your email. I have checked on our system it shows that Ing-Wen TSAI was awarded the PhD degree in 1984 at LSE. We used to have higher degrees office in charge of taking care of all PhD awards. This office does not exist anymore. My understanding is that all queries which were meant to be directed to this office are now handled by (?). Therefore it will be best if you contact her. The contact details are: (?). Here at the Transcripts Office we are able to confirm the award for PhD only. →高等學位辦公室(higher degrees office)並非正式名稱!相關人名與聯繫方式遭塗黑!
— 大意:我們的系統中顯示蔡英文於1984年取得博士學位。之前是由高等學位辦公室負責處理所有的博士學位頒授,如今已不存在,改由(某人?)接掌。

— 時間:2015年6月24日,15:51
— 發文單位資訊:LSE→LSE圖書館
— 發文、收文者、副本收件人:(塗黑)
— 主題:1984年LSE法學博士論文(PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:I work at the LSE Library, managing LSE Theses Online. I am currently on the trail of a PhD LSE Law thesis awarded in 1984 to a I-W Tsai. I have been referred to you by (?). I am trying to ascertain why this thesis was not distributed to the Senate House Library, BL or LSE Library. You will find the full details of my investigation in the email chain below. I have copied in my colleague (?) as I will be out of the office tomorrow. Any information you have would be greatly appreciated.→同事姓名遭
— 大意:繼續尋找論文沒有發送給倫大總圖、大英圖書館或 LSE 圖書館的原因。

— 時間:2015年6月29日,15:13
— 發文單位資訊:倫敦大學(單位遭塗黑)
— 發文
副本收件人:Clive Wilson→LSE圖書館的諮詢服務經理,以下簡稱「LSE諮詢經理C.W.」!
— 主題:回覆 / 1984年LSE法學博士論文(RE: PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984
— 重要性:高(Importance: High)

— 內容:My colleague has now retrieved the file on this student from our Archive Storage. From this I can see the history of chasing for copies of the thesis both by the Research Degrees Examinations office at Senate House and enquiries from Senate House Library too. In 2011 the SHL confirmed that it sent a copy of the thesis to the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies. At that time, (?) established that IALS no longer had a copy of the said thesis. The Research Degrees Examinations office had also chased both examiners (appointed for the PD examination) and the supervisor Mr M J Elliott for the return of the copies of the thesis. Apparently, the Internal Examiner left his copy of the PhD thesis with Mr Elliott post-viva. Mr Elliott left both copies with the LSE asking the LSE to return these to Senate House. These were never received. The copy referred to above which went over to IALS would have been the spare third copy submitted to the Research Degrees Examinations office for examination on 15 June 1983. I am sorry I cannot be more helpful. →單位或人名遭塗黑!
— 大意:2011 年,總圖表示曾將一本論文發送給IALS,同時(某單位?)確認對方並未收藏。考試辦公室曾要求兩位考官(被指定參與口試)和指導老師繳回審閱本,其中的內部口試委員似乎將審閱本留給
Elliott進行口試後的修訂,後者則是讓LSE轉交兩份副本給總圖,但是總圖並未收到。至於發送給IALS 的,應是1983年6月15日提交的第三份試論文。→此處應是指口試前應提交的三份論文,而非最終的合格版本!請參考「1983/84倫敦大學修業規定」(11:進入審查流程和提交論文)、以及「2019年LSE、蔡陣營統一口徑」的內部質疑(I)。

— 時間:2015年6月29日,15:56
— 發文單位資訊:(?)
— 發文、收文者、副本收件人:(塗黑)
— 主題:回覆 / 1984年LSE法學博士論文(RE: PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:Thank you for such a detailed report and all the efforts you have gone to for us. So we now know that: 2 copies were left with LSE from the supervisor and internal examiner. However, these were never passed on to SHL. 1 copy went from Senate House Library to IALS and can no longer be found. It would be interesting to know who (?) left the theses with and why they weren't chased down at the time. It seems the mystery continues. Thank you again for your help.→某字遭到塗黑!
— 大意:目前所知的是:有兩本論文是由指導老師和內部口試委員遞交LSE,但是從未轉給總圖;另有一本是由總圖轉交給IALS,但已找不到。究竟這些論文在誰手中

— 時間:2015年7月2日,05:03

— 發文者:(塗黑)→校外人士!

— 收文者:收文者:Rachel Yarham→LSE法律系的博士課程管理員,以下簡稱「法律系職員R.Y.」!
— 主題:需要尋找貴系1984年的一篇博士論文(Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:For some reason, I am looking for one LSE Ph.D. Law dissertation in the catalogue system of the LSE library, but I have failed to find it for several times. So, I am wondering if you can help me fix it. The title of the Ph.D. dissertation I am looking for is "Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard Actions." The author is Ing-Wen TSAI; she was a Ph.D. Law and graduated in 1984 from your department. I was told that I am supposed to find her dissertation in the catalogue system of LSE library, but I have failed to find it in the system. I had contacted the Collection office of the LSE library and the LSE Archivist couple weeks ago, but both of them are not having this Ph.D dissertation at all (and I have no idea if they ever had it before.); so, it seems that the LSE Law Department is the only place having the copy of this dissertation. Therefore, it would be kind of you to help me find it. I have some friends who are in LSE now, so they can help me copy some pages of that dissertation, as long as I know its whereabouts. I am wondering if your department can send one copy to the LSE library or the LSE Archivist office as part of their collection? In that case, my friend can access to that dissertation directly and copy those pages I might need for me. An alternative is that: maybe my friend can go to your office and to take some photo shots of pages I might need with a camera. In addition, I was told that the US database company, ProQuest, might have one copy of the dissertation I am looking for. So, I am wondering that if you can answer me the following question: did your department, or the author of that dissertation, ever authorize ProQuest to have your graduates' Ph.D. dissertations before? The reason I ask this question is because I do not want to be another victim of a "commercial strategy." I am not saying that ProQuest might be a fraud or something. My point is: it is unreasonable for me to expect ProQuest to have the dissertation I am looking for, since cannot find that dissertation in both the LSE library and the LSE Archive office; it could be just another data entry mistake. Since I personally do not have the ProQuest membership, I need to pay a lot of money for requesting to download it before knowing whether or not ProQuest does have this dissertation. I know ProQuest might refund me if it really does not have this dissertation for me to download. But 1 need to pay it first and file for the refund afterwards; I do not have the time for doing that. So, it would be much easier if I can have the answer from you directly that it is highly likely for ProQuest to have the dissertation I am looking for since your department or the author once authorized them. I thank you for your help in advance. And I apologize if I burden you with any extra workload. If whatever mentioned in this email is really irrelevant to your knowledge, please let me know whom in your department I should contact. Best regards.
— 大意:我正在尋找的論文是蔡英文的「不公平貿易與防衛機制」,但是在LSE圖書館中找不到,也許貴

— 時間:時間:2015年7月2日,13:42
— 發文:Louisa Green→LSE的研究學位經理,以下簡稱「LSE研究學位經理L.G.」!
— 收文者:Simeon Underwood→LSE註冊主任,以下簡稱「LSE註冊主任S.U.」!
— 主題:轉發 / 需要尋找貴
1984年的一篇博士論文(FW: Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:Rachel Yarham received the email request below asking for a copy of Ing-Wen Tsai's PhD thesis. I thought I should pass this on to you given the other recent request you had received concerning this graduate and confirmation of her award. Rachel has not yet responded to the request. Should she do so? I can advise her to simply say that as no copy of the thesis is within the Library we are unable to help with this request.
— 大意:

— 時間:2015年7月2日,14:39
— 發文:LSE註冊主任S.U.
— 收文者:LSE研究學位經理L.G.
— 主題:回覆 / 需要尋找貴系1984年的一篇博士論文(RE: Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:Please advise Rachel not to reply. I am about to pass this on to the University.
— 大意:請勿回覆。我會把訊息轉給倫敦大學

— 時間:2015年7月2日,16:40
— 發文者:
— 收文者
— 副本收件人:Nicola Foster→LSE結業經理,以下簡稱「LSE結業經理N.F.」!
— 主題:轉發 / 需要尋找貴系1984年的一篇博士論文(FW: Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:I believe you are away of the interest in the thesis of Dr Tsai. I think it important that the University and the LSE agrees an approach on who answers questions on what. There have been five or six requests for copies of the thesis. The interest arises because Dr Tsai is the Democratic Progressive Party's candidate for the Taiwan presidential elections 2016. I have asked my colleagues to retrieve Dr Tsai's file from our archive (although I have seen a scanned version of it, I want to double check by looking at the paper version). From what I have seen so far, there is no doubt that the degree award is valid. There may be features of the process which reflect the academic habits of the mid-1980s and would be frowned upon today. But we have issued TWIMCs confirming the degree in the past; and on the evidence available to me at present, I see no reason why we shouldn't do so now. The main mystery is why the copies of the thesis cannot be found. It is clear that people at your end and at the LSE end have looked in all the obvious places and in some which aren't obvious, but cannot find them. My understanding is that the position seems to be that two copies were left with LSE from the supervisor and the internal examiner but that these were never passed on to SHL and that one copy went from Senate House Library to IALS but can no longer be found. I have also had a message from a (?) asking a range of questions about the examination process, as follows: Dr Tsai's Ph.D. program year / How many years did Dr Tsai spend in the program / Dr Tsai's Oral Defense date / Dr Tsai's Oral Defense Committee Chair and members / Dr Tsai's Thesis Committee Chair and members / Dr Tsai's Thesis bonded date / Dr Tsai's Diploma date and the signing professor or Academic personnel. I have replied that under UK data protection law I am unable to release the information you have asked for without Dr Tsai's permission. Whose issue is this? Given that the issues are around the examination and its aftermath, my instinct is that they come under your jurisdiction rather than ours: which means that if we get further enquiries, we should acknowledge and say that we are passing them over to you. But if you want to disagree with this approach, please say !→詢問者的個資遭塗黑!
— 大意:倫敦大學和LSE的意見一致很重要。目前已有五、六人要求提供論文,原因是2016年的總統大選。我看過相關文件的掃描版,紙本尚待查驗。學位授予應是有效的,但是某些瑕疵反映出1980年代中期的學術習慣。我認為論文可能的流向是:留在LSE的兩本應該交給總圖,第三本由總圖轉送到IALS,但都失蹤了。還有人詢問蔡英文博士課程的修業年份和長度、口試日期、口試委員和論文委員會成員、論文結業日期、證書日期和相關認證者,而我的回覆是:根據英國資料保護法,未經當事人同意,無法公布。不過,這似乎不是我們的管轄範圍,而是你們的

— 時間:2015年7月3日,15:34
— 發文者:(不明)→疑為倫大秘書處人員L!
— 收文者:LSE註冊主任S.U.、(?)→另一人身份不明!
— 副本收件人:LSE結業經理N.F.
— 主題:回覆 / 需要尋找貴系1984年的一篇博士論文(RE: Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:Please do pass any enquiries regarding this PhD examination on to me. I can help with some of (?) questions below if you forward me his email address. As for the actual copies of the thesis itself I am sorry I am unable to shed any light on this. Both examiners' copies of the thesis were left at the LSE following examination. It seems the third copy of the thesis was sent to the IALS, and then the trail goes cold. We have retrieved Dr Tsai's file from our Archives and I can send you through a scanned copy if that would be useful.→詢問者的個資遭塗黑!
— 大意:
任何有關其博士考試的查詢都可轉過來,我甚至可以協助解決一些問題,但是無法就論文做出任何說明,因為兩位考官手中的論文在審核後都留在了LSE,第三份論文似乎被送到 IALS,而後消失。我們已從檔案室找出文件,可以向您傳送掃描檔。→根據蔡英文同期生VV的資料,LSE學生檔案中除了考試報名表和倫大的學位授予通知書之外,並無博士考試的相關文件,可見倫大是權責機構!雖然倫大曾表示早年的口試相關資料通常是由各學院保存,校本部僅持有畢業生姓名、論文題目、學位授予日期,但目前在蔡英文的倫大檔案中,似乎仍存有某種「記錄表」、以及口試之前簽署的「論文複製表」,當年並未正常發送給相關單位!

— 時間:2015年7月3日,15:40
— 發文者:LSE註冊主任S.U.
— 收文者:(不明)→共兩人!
— 副本收件人:
— 主題:回覆 / 需要尋找貴系1984年的一篇博士論文(RE: Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:The line I have taken is that we can't give (?) the answers to his questions for reasons to do with data protection. I wrote to him on Monday; and he hasn't got back to me as yet. I suggest that we let this lie unless he gets back to us. But if you think differently please say. Thanks for the kind offer, but I will manage with a copy of Dr Tsai's university file, for now at least.
— 大意:我已告知對方,基於個資保護而無法回答相關問題。建議我們先別說謊,除非對方有所回應。感謝您的好意,但是暫由我這邊來處理檔案即可。

— 時間:
— 發文者:LSE註冊主任S.U.
— 收文者:Green, LJ; Yarham, R; Bannister, HR; Foster, NK; Wright, NC; Reid, MJ; Wilson, Clive; Donnelly,S; Thomas4,A; O'Connor, D→學務單位、圖書館、檔案中心、媒體公關室的LSE同仁,共10位!
— 主題:轉發 / 需要尋找貴系1984年的一篇博士論文(FW: Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:Herewith correspondence with Senate House about Dr Tsai's PhD examination and thesis. The upshot is that any future correspondence should go to Lorraine at Senate House. But please send them with a copy to me until 20 July and a copy to Louisa Green thereafter, in case there are any issues which are specific to the School.
— 大意:日後有關蔡英文的任何郵件都應轉發給倫大行政中心的Lorraine。但在7月20日之前仍需發送給我和研究學位經理。→Simeon Underwood不久後便退休!


— 時間:2015年7月29日,16:35
— 發文單位資訊:倫敦大學
— 發文、收文者:(塗黑)
— 主題:轉發 / 1984年LSE法學博士論文(FW: PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:I wonder if you could help me. The LSE are trying to track down a copy of Dr Tsai's PhD thesis (please see highlighted sections below). Apparently one copy was sent over the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, but the Institute no longer has a copy. Could you please confirm this or shed any light. I appreciate it was some time ago.
— 大意:LSE試圖追查蔡博士的學位論文。似乎有一份發送給IALS,然而已不存在。煩請加以確認,或是提供線索。

— 時間:2015年8月4日,10:12
— 發文單位資訊:IALS
(單位遭塗黑)IALS(Institute of Advanced Legal Studies)屬於倫敦大學的SAS(School of Advanced Study)
— 發文、收文者:(塗黑)
— 主題:轉發 / 1984年LSE法學博士論文(FW: PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:Is this something you would be able to help with?
— 大意:這是你能幫忙的嗎?

— 時間:2015年8月10日,09:36
— 發文單位資訊:(?)
— 發文、收文者:(塗黑)
— 主題:轉發 / 1984年LSE法學博士論文(FW: PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:I don't supppose you'd have any idea what happened to this thesis?
— 大意:我不認為你知道這篇論文的狀況。

— 時間:2015年8月10日,11:18
— 發文單位資訊:(?)
— 發文、收文者:(塗黑)
— 主題:回覆 / 1984年LSE法學博士論文(RE: PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:No. The cards don't go into the 1980's. I have looked along the shelves for the 1980's in L204 and cannot see the name. Why is the subject area in the record given as psychology, bibliogs, statistics?
— 大意:不(知道)。這些卡片不會進入 1980 年代。我沿著L204的書架找過1980年代的資料,但是沒看到這個名字。為何(ProQuest)記錄中的主題領域是心理、書目和統計學?

— 時間:2015年8月10日,12:30
— 發文單位資訊:IALS
— 發文、收文者、副本收件人:(塗黑)
— 主題:轉發 / 1984年LSE法學博士論文(FW: PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:I have checked with the (?) who has been in charge of IALS Library's collections for many years. She cannot find any information about the thesis; unfortunately we no longer have acquisitions records for theses from the 1980s. As no doubt you know, the thesis isn't on the IALS Library Catalogue. (?) checked the shelves where the 1980s theses are kept, just in case, but didn't find it. I am sorry we haven't been able to find any useful information. It is rather mysterious! →單位或人名遭塗黑!
— 大意:我和多年來負責IALS圖書館藏書的(某人?)一起檢查。可惜我們不再有1980年代的論文採集記錄,而且圖書館的目錄、以及存放1980年代論文的書架上都沒有找到。此事頗神秘的!

— 時間:2015年8月28日,13:54
— 發文單位資訊:倫敦大學
— 發文、收文者、副本收件人:(塗黑)
— 主題:轉發 / 1984年LSE法學博士論文(FW: PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:Have you received any further enquiries regarding this PhD thesis? Please see the reply from the librarian for international law at the IALS.
— 大意:是否收到進一步的詢問?請見圖書管理員針對IALS國際法方面的回覆。

— 時間:2015年8月28日,14:07
— 發文單位資訊:LSE
— 發文、收文者、副本收件人:(塗黑)
— 主題:回覆 / 1984年LSE法學博士論文(RE: PhD LSE Law Thesis 1984)
— 內容:We had one more request from (?) Aberystwyth, who is also an (?) at the end of July. We sent a standard response about us not having it and included your contact details as (?) had directed. None of the other requestors have come back to us.


— 時間:2015年11月10日,13:32
— 發文者:LSE諮詢經理C.W.
— 收文者:LSE研究學位經理L.G.、Mark Thomson→主要收信人為後者,是Simeon Underwood的職務繼任者,以下簡稱「LSE註冊主任M.T.」!
— 副本收件人:Flanagan,D; Reid,MJ
— 主題:回覆 / 需要尋找貴系1984年的一篇博士論文(RE: Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:I'm not sure if you are aware of this particular issue or not so my apologies if much of this is known to you. In brief, one of our alumna Ing-Wen Tsai is her party's candidate in the upcoming Taiwan elections. As the email trail below shows there appears to be no available copy of her PhD thesis although Simeon Underwood was satisfied that the record showed the award was valid. We have had a number of requests for this thesis since the candidacy was announced and have given a standard response and referred to (?) at Senate House as Simeon requested. I mention it now because it appears to have made the Chinese press in Canada and mentioned on twitter:(大面積塗黑)It's all fairly low level so far but I thought you should be aware→單位或人名遭塗黑!大面積塗黑的部分可能是6月間便已在《星島日報》刊出的〈蔡英文博士論文無處尋〉網路截圖!
— 大意:由於推特上出現加拿大華人媒體的報導,故而提醒新的註冊主任留意台灣總統候選人的相關問題:即使沒有找到論文,其前任根據檔案記錄,並未懷疑學位授予的有效性。針對多方詢問,皆已給出標準答覆,並且提及了倫敦大學。

— 時間:2015年11月12日,16:34
— 發文者:LSE註冊主任M.T.
— 收文者:LSE諮詢經理C.W.、LSE研究學位經理L.G.
— 副本收件人:Flanagan, D; Reid, MJ
— 主題:回覆 / 需要尋找貴系1984年的一篇博士論文(RE: Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:Thank you for this note - apologies for the delayed response, but I made the mistake of being away at a conference early in the week and have paid a heavy price in terms of the state of my inbox. I was not aware of this matter. A couple of questions: Does the PhD Academy have a copy of Dr Tsai's student file? If so, may I see it? Do we know the basis on which (?), in her email of 3 July 2015, makes the statement that "Both examiners' copies of the thesis were left at the LSE following examination"? Do we know who Dr Tsai's supervisor was, and whether she/he is still at the School and might have a copy of the thesis? Have we tried the department? →人名遭塗黑!
— 大意:我不知此事。請問:我可以閱覽此人的學生檔案嗎?所謂「兩位考官手中的論文在審核後都留在LSE」(7月3日15:34電郵)的依據是什麼?我們是否已經仔細探求過她的指導老師身分、以及論文的蹤跡?

— 時間:2015年11月13日,15:18
— 發文者:LSE諮詢經理C.W.
— 收文者:LSE註冊主任M.T.、LSE研究學位經理L.G.
— 副本收件人:Flanagan, D; Reid, MJ; Yarham,R→本欲將法律系職員R.Y.和負責檔案管理的Sue Donnelly增列為副本收件人,但是漏掉了後者!
— 主題:回覆 / 需要尋找貴系1984年的一篇博士論文(RE: Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:Sue Donnelly would be able to provide a copy of Dr Tsai's LSE student file - I have copied her in. Simeon said in one email that: "My understanding is that the position seems to be that two copies were left with LSE from the supervisor and the internal examiner but that these were never passed on to SHL and that one copy went from Senate House Library to IALS but can no longer be found." I am sure this was based on notes in the relevant LSE and UL records (.) Rachel Yarham in Law - -also copied now - was asked about it at one point but I believe the department had nothing to add. It all became a series of unfortunate deadends with no trace of a physical copy anywhere.
— 大意:檔案中心有專人可提供蔡英文的學生檔案。前註冊主任曾指出論文可能的流向(7月2日16:40電郵),而我相信這是基於LSE和倫大相關記錄所作的評論。法律系應該沒有什麼可補充的資訊

— 時間:2015年11月13日,15:33
— 發文者:法律系職員R.Y.
— 收文者:LSE諮詢經理C.W.、LSE註冊主任M.T.、LSE研究學位經理L.G.
— 副本收件人:Flanagan, D; Reid, MJ
— 主題:回覆 / 需要尋找貴系1984年的一篇博士論文(RE: Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:The Department was not able to help in this matter I'm afraid. Senate House were contacted but they couldn't find a copy of the thesis and LSE does not have one either. I can try and find out who the supervisor would have been, I might have an idea who it might be. He was around in the mid-eighties. I shall make some enquiries.
— 大意:我們無能為力,倫大和LSE都找不到論文。但我大概知道指導老師可能是誰,將會再詢問看看。→R.Y.在2019年6月11日11:41的電郵中僅表示:我相信指導老師是某人!但在LSE取得論文感謝頁之後,她被告知:指導老師應是另一人,而非某人!


※ 蔡英文於2016年1月16日首次贏得總統大選,施芳瓏的台灣研究計畫辦公室立刻在LSE官網上向「蔡英文博士」發出賀稿! LSE則是在1月17日的臉書上恭賀校友,但是未加博士頭銜;1月19日出現另一篇官網新聞,提到蔡英文是在1984年從LSE取得博士學位!

— 時間:
— 發文者:LSE諮詢經理C.W.
— 收文者:LSE註冊主任M.T.、法律系職員R.Y.、LSE研究學位經理L.G.
— 副本收件人:Flanagan, D; Reid, MJ
— 主題:回覆 / 需要尋找貴系1984年的一篇博士論文(RE: Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:Rachel rang me a short while ago to say that a U.S. research student had been digging around at Senate House for more information on Dr Tsai's thesis. As there is nothing further to be uncovered at LSE I suspect that will be it, but again thought I should let you know in case they end up getting through to your office. We don't appear to have had any further interest via the Library despite Dr Tsai winning the election.
— 大意:倫大那邊有一位美國研究生在嘗試挖掘更多蔡英文的論文資訊,LSE這邊則沒有任何進一步的發現。她贏得了選舉,而我們圖書館這一端似乎