

LSE圖書館助理於2019年6月4日以電郵告知林環牆:相關圖書館皆未收藏蔡英文的論文,於是知情人士開始在媒體上討論,但是被驚動的LSE仍未進一步追查當年倫敦大學是於何種狀況下授予學位,反而是在蔡陣營的建議下發布對其有利的聲明。以下僅摘錄部分電郵,原始資料請見 https://richardsonreport.com/ 之LSE部分,並請參考 https://www.youtube.com/@UKWatchdogReport   4-1、4-2的重點解說。


— 時間:2019年6月6日,20:09
— 發文者:(不明)
— 收文者:LSE博士學院→林環牆與圖書館助理R.O.之間的電郵已於此日16:29轉給博士學院,其內容可見於林環牆的獨立調查報告!
— 主題:蔡英文的博士論文(PhD Thesis by Ing-Wen Tsai)
— 內容:I have been looking for a PhD thesis by Ing-Wen Tsai, a alumna of LSE. Her thesis is titled "Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard Actions" (1984), as cited in the following link. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.652034 I checked with the LSE library, but I was told that the library has never carried the above- cited thesis. This confused me. So, if possible, could you please kindly check your thesis-deposit record and let me know whether or not Tsai's PhD thesis was submitted in 1984 as a final copy as required, and whether LSE did award a PhD degree to Ing-Wen Tsai in 1984 according to your record. Looking forward to your kind reply and thank you very much for your valuable time.
— 大意:蔡英文的論文書目雖然出現在大英圖書館的EThOS系統,但是LSE圖書館從未有過這份論文。請調查記錄,確認她是否在1984年依規定繳交最後的合格論文、以及LSE是否授予博士學位。→當年的學位授予是由倫敦大學負責!

— 時間:2019年6月7日,15:37
— 發文者:Marcus Cerny→主要接掌調查工作的LSE博士學院副總監,以下簡稱「學務副總監M.C.」!
— 收文者:Fiona Metcalfe→LSE傳播總監,以下簡稱「傳播總監F.M.」!
— 主題:轉發 / 蔡英文的博士論文(FW: PhD Thesis by Ing-Wen Tsai)
— 內容:Could you or a member of your learn advise on this? I would expect that there may have been queries in other parts of the School following Tsai's election as President of Republic of China and we may get more queries on this. I am unable to answer as to why the thesis is unavailable and if the thesis is not held in either Senate House or LSE Libraries I cannot see any chance of there being any other version of it elsewhere. The email trail between the Library and the enquirer is attached.
— 大意:預期會收到更多質疑,不知有何建議?我無法回答論文為何無法取得;如果倫大總圖或LSE圖書館沒有收藏,應該就沒機會了。→而後於此日15:41另外詢問兩位教授:由於可能存在聲譽問題,是否該將此事上報?傳播總監F.M.則是在17:25建議向法律系查詢!

— 時間:2019年6月10日,06:16

— 發文者:Rita Astuti→前述的教授之一
— 收文者:學務副總監M.C.、Max Schulze、LSE博士學院→第二人為另一位教授!
— 主題:回覆 / 蔡英文的博士論文(Re: PhD Thesis by Ing-Wen Tsai)
— 內容:I think this should be flagged higher up. But before doing so we need to know if we have a record of the PhD at all, as requested in the last email: do we have an abstract? The names of supervisor/s, examiners, a copy of the PhD award? The implication in the last email is that the PhD was never awarded... Once we know this, we should let Simon know about the case.
— 大意:由於學位被懷疑從未被授予,我們應該先確認是否掌握了博士學位記錄,如論文摘要、指導者和口委姓名、以及學位證書的副本。然後層級提高,讓Simon知曉。→而後於此日13:01正式呈報給LSE副院長Simon Hix,並建議向法律系查詢!目前已知,論文摘要於1987年首度現蹤,但是調查過程中無人提及,甚至有人懷疑指導者身分和證書的真偽!關於口委姓名和人數,校方至今找不出確切的證據來提供答案!

— 時間:2019年6月11日,08:12 / 2019年6月12日,08:14
— 發文者:Vuelio→此公司提供媒體監測等服務!
— 收文者:Daniel O'Connor→LSE媒體關係主管,以下簡稱「媒體關係主管D.O.」!
— 主題:LSE新聞快訊(LSE News Alert)→除了數百篇文章的標題、摘要、出處之外,還可點閱、分享!
— 標題:
․謠傳網路上找不到蔡英文博士論文?鄉民查學術資料庫秒打臉by台灣賦格→ProQuest資料庫中僅有書目、而無論文,詳見「2019年LSE、大英圖書館處理論文問題」一欄的背景1!另外,媒體關係主管D.O.還於此日10:57向傳播總監F.M.表示,林環牆是在北卡羅來納大學工作的中共代理人;12:35又跟學務副總監M.C.提起《芋傳媒》的〈抹黑小英博士學歷造假 LSE、大英圖書館官網直接大打臉〉!
․Former TV talk show host's questioning of President Tsai's academic credentials unsustantiated→前談話性電視節目主持人彭文正質疑台灣總統學歷!類似標題共出現5次!

— 時間:2019年6月11日,10:23
— 發文者:學務副總監M.C.
— 收文者:Rachel Yarham、Susan Marks→前者為LSE法律系的博士課程管理員,2015年便已知情,以下簡稱「法律系職員R.Y.」;後者為法律系教授,以下簡稱「法律系教授S.M.」!
— 主題:蔡英文(Ing-Wen Tsai)
— 內容:Ing-Wen was awarded in March 1984 and listed in the awards 1985/6. There have been requests for the thesis since her election but none of the three libraries who may be expected to have a copy appear to have one (Senate House and LSE appear not to have received one and IALS are unable to find their copy) I've raised it with the Comms team and flagged this up to senior management. In the meantime can the department confirm who the supervisor is and whether there might be a reason why the thesis would not be submitted to the libraries. I will raise this with the University of London, as this obviously long pre-dates our taking on degree awarding powers and this will have been managed by Senate House, but I want to check what we know first.
— 大意:蔡英文的學位是在1984年3月被授予,並且列在1985/6的名單上。自她競選以來,就有人在找論文,但是倫大總圖和LSE圖書館似乎從未收到過,IALS那邊也找不到他們的。我已經讓傳播團隊和高階主管留意此事。請貴系確認指導老師的身分,以及論文沒交給圖書館的理由。然後我將向倫敦大學提問,因為當年是由他們的行政中心負責學位授予事宜。→而後於此日11:24表示,與倫大相關主管雖為舊識,但是他們健康不佳,所以沒有直接打電話詢問!又於12:54以電郵聯絡倫大的Lorraine,問她是否依然能如2015年那樣擔任詢問窗口?


— 時間:2019年6月11日,10:54
— 發文者:學務副總監M.C.
— 收文者:傳播總監F.M.
— 主題:回覆 / 蔡英文的博士論文(Re: PhD Thesis by Ing-Wen Tsai)
— 內容:I have asked the department what information they have. In terms of award, this was dealt with by Senate House (as a U of L award) and they would have been responsible for the deposit of the thesis and the paperwork. I am also following up with them but the U of L research degrees office shut some time ago and I’m not sure what they would provide other than stating the award date and that the thesis was not submitted to the Library. I flag here that (?) is outright querying whether the thesis existed (copied below) so I would like advice on the response once I have info from the department and the U of L. While I will defer this to the U of L in terms of responsibility at that time I think we will need to respond to this suggestion as LSE. The reputational issues from this suggestion would be borne by LSE, not the U of L. →單位或人名遭塗黑!
— 大意:倫大雖負責學位授予和論文、考試文件的儲存,但是研究學位辦公室業已關閉,不知除了說明頒授日期、以及論文沒有繳交給圖書館之外,還能提供什麼?最後需要由我們回應,而引發的聲譽問題也將由LSE承擔。→倫大負責研究學位考試的單位曾於2011年表示,卷宗內似乎還存有未正常遞交出去的「記錄表」和「論文複製表」!

— 發文者:學務副總監M.C.
— 收文者:媒體關係主管D.O.
— 主題:轉發 / 需要尋找貴系1984年的一篇博士論文(FW: Need to find a 1984 Ph.D. dissertation in your department)
— 內容:It appears that the query from 2015 was dealt with by the Pro-Vice Chancellor's office at the University of London. Let me know if there is any indication from your end that LSE provided anything. Otherwise I will go with this and forward the query to (?) who is mentioned in the chain below.→人名遭塗黑!
— 大意:2015年的詢問看來是由倫敦大學副校長辦公室處理的。如果LSE這邊提出任何說法,請告知,否則我會繼續將相關查詢轉發出去。→而後於此日12:25向上述的法律系兩位同仁發出類似的訊息

— 時間:2019年6月11日,12:35
— 發文者:Clive Wilson→LSE圖書館諮詢服務經理,以下簡稱「圖書館諮詢經理C.W.」!
— 收文者:Bell,M; Bhullar,I; Challis,D; Collings,R; Dawson,H; Fry,AE; Gomes,S; Graham1,N; Hayward,S; Horsler,PN; Hussain,R; Murphy,GE; Orson,R; Payne1,D; Reid,MJ; Towlson,A; Wilkinson,E; Wilson,Clive; Zajasensky,L; Benton,A; Rodriguez; Poulose,S; Donnelly,S; Wilson1,K; Griffiths,CB→25人的寄件名單中包括C.W.自己,以及2015年的兩位知情者;圖書館副館長Martin Reid、檔案管理員Sue Donnelly!
— 副本收件人:LSE線上論文系統辦公室(LSE Theses Online)
— 主題:LSE 博士論文-台灣總統(LSE PhD thesis - Taiwan president)

— 內容:sorry to send this so widely, but I'm trying to cover all bases. Please forward if you think I've missed anyone. There are presidential primaries in Taiwan this week to decide who the candidate for the DPP will be. One is the current president and LSE alumna Ing-wen Tsai. Ing-wen Tsai received her PhD from LSE in 1984: Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions. We have had three queries in the last two weeks about it. There was also great interest in it when she first stood for election and we had to do a lot of digging. LSE Library has never had a copy and Senate House could not find their copy. We tried IALS as some law theses went there but they didn't have it either. The student record was checked and LSE is satisfied that the PhD was awarded correctly. The standard response to any query about the thesis is as follows: "Thank you for expressing an interest in this thesis. Unfortunately, LSE Library has never had a copy of this thesis. All PhDs from that period were awarded under the University of London banner and would have been sent first to Senate House Library. As you can appreciate there has been a lot of interest in Dr Tsai's thesis, we have been in correspondence with the University of London about it and extensive checks have been made. Unfortunately Senate House are unable to find their copy." But please copy any queries to both me and lsethesesonline@lse.ac.uk→此處的黃字部分將出現在後來擬定的信函與聲明中,僅有些許更動!
— 大意:我廣泛發送此信,希望能面面俱到;如果您認為我錯過了任何人,煩請轉發。1984年在LSE獲得博士學位的蔡英文將於本週參加台灣民進黨的總統提名初選,而我們自前兩週開始就收到了論文的相關詢問。她上次競選時,我們曾查找過,但是LSE圖書館從未收藏過她的論文,倫大總圖和IALS圖書館中也找不到。
LSE檢查過學生記錄,認為博士學位已正確授予因此針對相關詢問擬定了標準回應:「LSE圖書館從未收藏過她的論文!我們聯絡過當年授予學位的倫敦大學,但是理當首先送達的總圖也無法找到論文。→當年的另一位知情者:圖書館服務總監Nicola Wright於此日15:54將這封電郵轉給新聞室和副院長等人,並提到2015年已經有過調查!圖書館諮詢經理C.W.也於17:52表示,早在2016年就擬定了標準回應!

— 時間:2019年6月11日,13:49
— 發文者:學務副總監M.C.
— 收文者:圖書館助理R.O.、Nancy Grahaml→後者是LSE圖書館的研究支援經理,以下簡稱「圖書館資研經理N.G.」!
— 副本收件人:媒體關係主管D.O.→即電郵中的提及的Daniel!
— 主題:轉發 / 蔡英文之博士論文(FW: Ing-Wen Tsai's PhD thesis)
— 內容:Given that the current query appears to replicate a query we dealt with in 2015 (.) I would assume that we should give the same response that we gave then. The problem is I’m not sure who sent it but the email from the University of London to Dimity in 2015 suggests it will have gone from the Library. Can we check on this? If so can Daniel advise if the Library should just update and re-send this from the Library for the sake of consistency? In terms of why the thesis is missing it seems that Senate House acknowledge having one thesis and sending to IALS. This can no longer be found. The theses that were said to be left at the LSE were presumably just never processed and there would not have been felt a need to do this. Examiners copies were sporadically returned to institutions post viva and were probably simply left in an office, either centrally or in the department, unless specifically requested. I would not have expected examiner copies used in the viva to be lodged in a library or retained formally at LSE. The examination paperwork would have been stored by U of L.
— 大意:目前似乎複製了2015年的狀況,應該給出相同的回應。不過,我們可以再檢查一下,然後統一口徑嗎?除了倫大總圖轉給IALS的那本找不到以外,有人說考官手中的論文在審核後都留在LSE而未處理,但是口試使用的版本不應該被正式收藏才對,除非有特別要求。→有人已於

— 時間:2019年6月11日,14:03
— 發文者:學務副總監M.C.
— 收文者:圖書館資研經理N.G.、圖書館助理R.O.
— 副本收件人:媒體關係主管D.O.、
— 主題:回覆 / 蔡英文之博士論文(RE: Ing-Wen Tsai's PhD thesis)
— 內容:The examination went through the University of London procedures and we had the award confirmed from them with a March 1984 award date. It was recorded in the 1985/86 Calendar and is recorded in both on LSE and U of L records.
— 大意:蔡英文按照倫大程序通過了考試!那邊已確認學位的授予日期是1984年3月。除了LSE的1985/86學年度行事曆中登載的畢業生名單,還可見於LSE和倫大的相關記錄。→LSE副院長Simon Hix於此日14:48充滿疑惑地詢問:是否只是找不到實體論文,但能確認蔡英文是按照所有正確程序而獲得博士學位?然而根據

— 時間:2019年6月11日,15:11
— 發文者:
— 收文者:圖書館資研經理N.G.、學務副總監M.C.、圖書館助理R.O.
— 副本收件人:媒體關係主管D.O.、LSE線上論文系統辦公室
— 主題:回覆 / 蔡英文之博士論文(RE: Ing-Wen Tsai's PhD thesis)
— 內容:yes, I dealt with this for the Library first time around. Simeon Underwood who was Academic Registrar at the time had the student record retrieved and stated he was satisfied that the degree was correctly awarded (copied below) (.) It was also decided that all information relating to supervisor, thesis committee and the oral defense committee, etc could not be released without Dr Tsai's permission. Nancy's copied our standard reply below, which I have already tweaked slightly to make current. Simeon's instruction also was that anyone pursuing further should be referred to Lorraine. I believe Mark Thomson was also happy with this approach (as he took over directly from Simeon) (.) happy to try to answer any further questions about what we did if I can.
— 大意:2015年的註冊主任Simeon Underwood查找了學生記錄,並未懷疑學位被正確授予。當時決定,如果沒有蔡博士的許可,有關指導老師、以及論文和口試等委員會的資訊都不能公開;若有人進一步追問,都應送交給倫大的Lorraine。相信繼任的註冊主任Mark Thomson亦表

— 時間:2019年6月11日,15:20
— 發文者:媒體關係主管D.O.
— 收文者:
— 副本收件人:LSE線上論文系統辦公室、傳播總監F.M.、Charlotte Kelloway→後者負責媒體關係,以下簡稱「公關人員C.K.」!
— 主題:回覆 / 蔡英文之博士論文(RE: Ing-Wen Tsai's PhD thesis)
— 內容:Thanks for this Clive. We're just putting together a version of the response for press/ other external parties. Separately, we will also retrieve a scan of the relevant 1985/86 calendar page. It's not exactly a smoking gun but might be useful if we start getting more hassle for proof. I'll ask the School Secretary's office in the first instance…as I imagine they have them to hand.
— 大意:感謝!我們的版本將針對媒體和外部人士回應。此外,我們也會查找1985/86行事曆的掃描檔。但這並非確鑿的證據;當證明的過程中遇到更多麻煩時,便可能很有用。我會詢問秘書處,他們應該有這個資料。→畢業生名單!

— 時間:2019年6月11日,16:49
— 發文者:公關人員C.K.
— 收文者:媒體關係主管D.O.、圖書館諮詢經理C.W.、圖書館資研經理N.G.、學務副總監M.C.、圖書館助理R.O.
— 副本收件人:LSE線上論文系統辦公室、傳播總監F.M.
— 主題:回覆 / 蔡英文之博士論文(RE: Ing-Wen Tsai's PhD thesis)
— 內容:We have put together a reply to Hwan and a media statement for any press requests we get about this. Please find these below. We can send the reply to (?) (with the library copied in) as it seems this story is starting to spread into the media from sources such as Hwan. Just one question on the scan of the calendar – does anyone know if sharing this document with external parties will raise any data protection/GDPR issues? Letter: Dear (?) , Thank you for your correspondence, I have been asked to respond with some more information. Further to your remarks, the records of both the London School of Economics and Political Science and the University of London confirm that Tsai Ing-Wen was awarded a PhD in Law 1984. For your interest, I have attached a scan of a relevant entry in the 'LSE Calendar' of 1985/86, which is an official public record of awards and degrees given to LSE students for the previous year. …… [Given these circumstances, it may be worth contacting Dr Tsai's office for detail of the thesis, if she still has a copy]. [optional?]…… Media Statement: An LSE spokesperson said: "LSE and University of London records confirm Tsai Ing-wen was awarded a PhD in Law in 1984.
……"/END As background: I have attached a scan of the relevant entry in the LSE Calendar of 1985/86, which acts an official record of awards and degrees given to LSE students in 1984.→Hwan即林環牆,另有一處的人名遭塗黑!GDPR為歐盟的一般資料保護規則此處的黃字部分將出現在後來的信函中;至於省略的內容,則與同日12:35草擬的標準回應(黃字部分)大致相同!
— 大意:針對林環牆的回應與媒體聲明:「LSE和倫大的記錄都證實蔡英文於1984年獲得法學博士學位;(略);隨附1985/86行事曆的掃描檔,這是上一學年度LSE畢業生取得學位的官方記錄。請問,有誰知道與外部人士共享此文件是否有個資保護的問題?(如果她還保有論文,或許可聯繫其辦公室了解詳情?→傳播總監F.M.於此日17:07建議,或許可考慮將聲明第一行的「LSE發言人表示」刪去LSE,讓表面上像是倫大掌握判定的主導權,雖然她也自覺不妥;媒體關係主管D.O.則於17:09建議改成「倫大和LSE」;學務副總監M.C在17:15的電郵中表示「我們應該假裝與此事無關」,雖然在2016年曾大肆宣揚這位總統是LSE的校友!後來LSE否認持有博士論文口委名單與審查報告!倫大則強調僅掌握畢業生姓名、論文題目、學位授予日期等少量資訊,其餘資料通常由各學院保存;而就蔡英文而言,倫大曾經在1987年表示她的博士學位是在經過研究學程和提交「論文題目」後授予的,目前已確定其論文沒有被發表

— 發文者:圖書館諮詢經理C.W.
— 收文者:(不明)→似為上封電郵的相關人等!
— 主題:(不明)
— 內容:Hi All(,) just had a chat with Dr Fang-Long Shih in the LSE Taiwan Research Programme who is a supporter of Dr Tsai. Apparently the Taiwan press and the opposition party are trying to relate this to the incident over Saif gaddafi and the Libyan donation. Supporters of Dr Tsai are therefore very keen to be able to prove that the degree was awarded correctly/successfully and may be able to get permission from Dr Tsai to release more information from her record as appropriate. And the Calendar is a public document that anyone from outside LSE can request to view through our archives so there is no DP/GDPR issue.→DP 意指資料保護!
— 大意:


— 時間:2019年6月12日,09:08
— 發文者:總統府發言人→疑為黃重諺!
— 收文者:圖書館諮詢經理C.W.
— 副本收件人:施芳瓏→使用LSE電郵帳號,頭銜為「台灣研究計畫聯合主任」,曾於2007年收取匿名捐款48萬多英鎊!
— 主題:來自台灣總統府的問候(Greetings from the Presidential office of Taiwan)
— 內容:I extend my cordial greetings to you. As you might already be aware of the recent argument with respect to the admission of Taiwan President Tsai, Ing-Wen's PhD degree awarded by LSE in 1983. We note that LSE has taken actions to identify related documentation in this regard. On behalf of President Tsai, I would like to give consent to the disclosure of personal information in her PhD thesis, ”Unfair Trade Practice and Safeguard Actions." Further, we are able to provide both the electronic and hardbound editions of the subject thesis for the library collection upon your request. Please kindly let us know if this is feasible at your convenience. Thank you for your assistance on this matter.
— 大意:

— 時間:2019年6月12日,09:47
— 發文者:施芳瓏
— 收文者:圖書館諮詢經理C.W.
— 副本收件人:(不明)→疑為黃重諺!
— 主題:回覆 / 來自台灣總統府的問候(Re: Greetings from the Presidential office of Taiwan)
— 內容:As suggested, President Tsai Ing-wen has now given her consent for the school to the disclosure of personal information related to her PhD thesis, entitled "Unfair Trade Practice and Safeguard Actions." Please see below the permission message. As such, please add these information in the school letter: (1) the names of her supervisor and viva examiners; (2) upon request, the electronic and hardbound editions of her PhD thesis will arrive at the LSE library. As such, please give the address and the name where and who to receive this thesis. Many thanks!
— 大意:蔡總統已同意校方披露論文的相關個資,

— 時間:2019年6月12日,11:34
— 發文者:(不明)→疑為黃重諺!
— 收文者:施芳瓏
— 副本收件人:圖書館諮詢經理C.W.
— 主題:回覆 / 來自台灣總統府的問候(Re: Greetings from the Presidential office of Taiwan)
— 內容:Thank you so much for your kind assistance and understanding. We are sending the hardbound editions of the subject thesis tomorrow and I believe it will arrive by next week. As for the electronic copy, we will email it to you by Friday. Please only use it for the LSE internal check not for the public release at this stage as it is indeed likely going to invite more irrational speculations. LSE is one of the leading academic institutions in the world, and any statement issued by LSE certainly carries weight by itself. We truly appreciate your assistance and help us defend President Tsai's academic credential.
— 大意:明天將發送精裝本,預估下週可寄到,而本週會透過電郵傳送電子版。目前僅供LSE內部作業之用,公布則可能會引發更多非理性的猜疑。LSE屬於頂尖學術機構,發表的聲明自然有其份量。感謝協助捍衛蔡總統的學歷!→C.W.曾於10:43告知施芳瓏和此人,LSE暫時攔住了一個聲明的發表(詳下),就是希望能在今天拿到

— 時間:
— 發文者:媒體關係主管D.O.
— 收文者:台灣《民報》
— 副本收件人:媒體關係室
— 主題:LSE針對文章的聲明(London School of Economics statement regarding article)
— 重要性:高(Importance: High)
— 內容:I am getting in touch from the London School of Economics Media Relations Office in relation to this article: Is the doctoral degree of Tsai Ing-wen fraud? [English translation] https://www.peoplenews.tw/news/41075ad6-3253-4db4-a689-38d8ea3e1e1f  LSE would like to provide the following statement, attributable to an LSE spokesperson: "……This confirms Dr Tsai' PhD award at the time." Futhermore, please remove reference in your article to the LSE member of staff, Ruth Orson. The information in her email is correct but she understood this to be personal communication, not a press statement for general publication. The statement from the LSE spokesperson (as above) can be used instead.
— 大意:針對曹長青的〈蔡英文的博士學位是否造假?〉一文,LSE發言人有以下聲明:「(略);LSE畢業生名單證實了蔡英文的博士學位。」此外,請將文章所附之LSE圖書館助理R.O.的名字刪除。→根據諸多電郵顯示,R.O.收到來自台灣的多封詢問信件,感受到莫大的壓力,同事們紛紛關切,甚至曾考慮從法律的角度要求處理!直到6月17日,才確定她的名字已從報端刪除!

— 發文者:施芳瓏
— 收文者:圖書館諮詢經理C.W.、公關人員C.K.
— 副本收件人:媒體關係主管D.O.、傳播總監F.M.
— 主題:供您修改我的草稿(For your modification re my draft)
— 內容:Thank you very much for all your efforts in preparing this LSE press release. This is very important for alumna President Tsai Ing-wen and the school's reputation as they have been under the irrational attack by anti-Tsai camp during the nomination election in her own political party – DDP. To be brief, the anti-Tsai's camp includes: (1) Taiwanese nationalists (who is against Tsai's policy beyond Chinese and Taiwanese nationalisms toward democracy); (2) Taiwanese Independence fundamentalists (who is against Tsai's policy in maintaining the status quo with China); (3) Church members (who is against Tsai's government which has recently passed same-sex marriage law) It is hoped you and the school could understand the current fragile situation and support our alumna and her lead of Taiwan's democracy to the next step as well as to redress the damages to President Tsai and the LSE done by anti-Tsai camp. The draft letter is fine but is it possible to cut it shorter and add a response to the question of her supervisor and viva examiners? If this sentence --
Unfortunately, the LSE Library has never held a copy of Tsai Ing-wen's thesis”— has appeared again, the anti-Tsai camp will continue to attack Tsai, saying she has never submitted her thesis, no matter how many reasons in explaining this. As such, the rest of the sentences regarding her thesis is better not to repeat again (already said in Ruth Orson's 2 emails which have invited the conspiracy to accuse her deceiving of her doctoral degree). As such, it is hoped you will agree this modified version and please see below: If not, we also understand the school's concern. Many thanks! —An LSE spokesperson said: “University of London and LSE records confirm Tsai Ing-wen was awarded a PhD in Law in 1984. The LSE has all information, such as the names of Tsai's supervisor and viva examiners. But due to the private data protection, the LSE is unable to release this information without the consent of the individuals. Nevertheless, it is not an unusual case as the supervisor name wasn't always included in the thesis in those days.”
— 大意:蔡總統正遭受反對陣營的無理攻擊,其中包括反民主的國民黨、反對維持現況的台獨基本教義派、反對同性婚姻法的教會成員。希望校方避免蔡總統和LSE的聲譽受到傷害,同意在發言人的新聞稿中不去強調論文的問題,僅表示倫大和LSE的記錄都可證實學位,而且LSE擁有所有的信息,並說明是基於個資保護而無法公布論文中不一定會揭露的指導者姓名。→曾號稱收藏了蔡英文278 頁學生檔案、並透露口試日期(周日)和考官姓名(缺乏外部考官)的LSE,已否認持有博士論文口委名單與審查報告!

— 時間:2019年6月12日,17:08
— 發文者:(不明)
— 收文者:(不明)→針對外部人士的回應!
— 主題:(不明)
— 內容:Dear (?) ,……The student record shows that the thesis was submitted but the supervisor copy that should have come to LSE Library (the British Library of Political and Economic Science) never did. As previously circulated,……first to their Senate House Library. They clearly received their copy because otherwise it could not have been catalogued and appear on their catalogue – and from there to the British Library catalogue.……I am in touch with colleagues regarding the other pieces of information requested. However, some of them may be restricted by UK data protection laws.→此處省略的內容與前一日12:35、16:49擬定的標準回應(黃字部分)大致相同,但是已不再出現施芳瓏批評過的表述(11日12:35、12日15:16:黃字+劃線) !而林環牆於6月14日收到一封內容類似的電郵,裡面已沒有此處劃線的部分!
— 大意:(略)。學生記錄顯示論文業已提交,然而應該送到LSE圖書館的指導老師副本卻從未被提交。(略)。倫大總圖顯然收到了他們的副本,否則論文就不可能被總圖和大英圖書館編目。(略)。索要的信息中,有些可能受到英國數據保護法的限制。

— 時間:2019年6月17日,11:18
— 發文者:圖書館諮詢經理C.W.
— 收文者:學務副總監M.C.、媒體關係主管D.O.、圖書館資研經理N.G.、公關人員C.K.
— 主題:轉發/ 來自台灣總統府的問候(FW: Greetings from the Presidential office of Taiwan)
— 內容:we have been sent the title and acknowledgement page (attached) of the thesis from President Tsai's office with the promise we will receive a complete copy later this week. Not sure how much these help at the moment although it clearly confirms who her supervisor was. Michael J Elliott passed away in 2016. https://www.weforum.org/people/michael-j-elliott、https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_J._Elliott Also thanked: Brian Hindley (LSE) passed away in 2012: http://www.lse.ac.uk/newsletters/pressAnd Information/staff News/2012/20120614.htm (?) However, the Michael Elliott links show he left LSE for the Economist in 1984. This fits with what Lorraine from UL sent us (copied again below) that Mr Elliott left both copies with LSE asking LSE to return them to Senate House. It's only circumstantial evidence but one could easily see them being left in his office and that being cleared out... I also wonder whether it's worth contacting (?) to let him know of the interest. Even if we only ever make the print copy available through the archives reading room, his name is still likely to 'get out there→一行字和一個人名遭到塗黑
UK Watchdog推測那人是同樣出現在感謝頁上、仍受個資保護的John Barcelo教授!下方另附有倫大Lorraine於2015年6月29日15:13所發的電郵,請見「2015英國校方內部調查」(F)!
— 大意:論文標題和感謝頁已經送達,之後還會有完整的版本。這裡面清楚說明指導老師是2016年亡故的Michael Elliott,並且還感謝2012年去世的Brian Hindley。根據網路資訊,Elliott在1984年離開LSE,轉職於《經濟學人》;這與倫大Lorraine的說法相符,也就是他手上的兩份口試審閱本要請LSE交給倫大總圖,卻留在他的辦公室而被清理掉。不知是否應該聯繫某人,讓對方知道他的名字可能會隨著論文而被傳出去?→法律系職員R.Y.在6月11日11:41向學務副總監M.C.提供2015、2016年相關電郵時表示,她相信蔡英文的指導老師是某人;至於口試委員,由於缺乏相關文件,所以不知道是誰。學務副總監M.C.在6月17日11:59的電郵中則向R.Y表示:我所了解到的指導老師是另一人,而非某人!不過,這些人名都遭到塗黑。至於後來出現的口委名單:Michael Elliott、Leonard Leigh和Richard Dale,皆查無實據!

— 時間:2019年6月17日,12:05
— 發文者:Sue Donnelly→LSE檔案管理員

— 收文者:圖書館諮詢經理C.W.
— 主題:台灣總統博士學位(Taiwanese President phd)
— 內容:I still have the scan done for the previous enquiries and I attach it to this email – I have discussed this with Rachael Maguire and we cannot release the file to anyone else without the subject's permission so please do not pass it on to anybody else. The relevant pages are I think 43-46 which includes a certificate from the University of London confirming the award of the PhD on 14 March 1984 – it looks as though there was a problem with some of the paperwork from her supervisor. It is possible that with her permission we or the University of London could perhaps release that certificate. Hope that helps you cope with the enquiries,
— 大意:我仍保存2015年查詢的掃描檔,見於附件,請勿轉傳任何人。其中有倫大1984年3月14日的博士證書(頁43-46?),而她的指導老師文件看起來是有問題的。→圖書館諮詢經理C.W.於此日16:16將若無蔡英文授權、其學生檔案就無法內部分享一事告訴數名核心人士,包括主掌調查工作的學務副總監M.C.,其中僅有兩頁例外!後來C.W.又於7月10日13:27的電郵中表示,蔡英文2015年的補發證書顯然是假的,並在信尾加上笑臉符號!目前已知
LSE學生檔案的頁42-43乃是1987年9月的駐英外館與倫敦大學有關學位認證的往來函件,所謂的證書應是教育部當年提供的影本附件,被P C Kennedy轉交給LSE;詳見「2020年LSE協助司法調查」一欄!此外,英國行政法庭已於2022年判定LSE向台灣官員提供沒有確實查證的兩位校內口試委員名單,至於另一位校外口試委員的名字則出自蔡英文之手!

— 時間:2019年6月25日,09:05
— 發文者:Simeon Underwood→2015年
— 收文者:Mark Thomson→前者的職務繼任者,以下簡稱「註冊主任M.T.」!
— 主題:回覆 / 保密(Re: In confidence)
— 敏感性:機密(Sensitivity: Confidential)
— 內容:I have a vague memory of this. My recollection is that it was no big deal. I got the student file from the archive, and then liaised with Senate House (I am not sure whether Susan Johnson had left by that time). All the paperwork was in order -- by contrast to some files I had seen, notably the senior New Zealand civil servant whose claim to have a PhD turned out to be unprovable and possibly fraudulent. I am not sure there are any "workings". If you are in need of anything further, though, I can have a go at looking further, but without much expectation of finding anything. On the missing thesis, I suspect that this is down to Senate House, the Library or both.
— 大意:對於2015年的調查僅有模糊的記憶,應該是先從LSE檔案中心取得學生檔案,然後聯繫倫大;所有的文書作業井然有序,與我見過的欺詐案件不同。我不確定是否有操弄的成份。關於論文的遺失,我猜應歸咎倫大行政中心或總圖。→當年

— 時間:2019年6月27日,13:20
— 發文者:學務副總監M.C.
— 收文者:媒體關係主管D.O.、圖書館諮詢經理C.W.
— 副本收件人:傳播總監F.M.、公關人員C.K.
— 主題:回覆 / 對蔡英文博士論文的回應(RE: Response on PhD Thesis by Ing-Wen Tsai)
— 內容:If I recall, the thesis was actually sent to IALS in 2011. This makes sense to me because it will have been around the time that the Research Degrees Office shut at Uo
(f)L and remaining responsibilities were devolved to individual institutions (though LSE had already assumed these). I imagine they will have been clearing up a number of things outstanding around that time. I would keep the date out of it and just say that Senate House Library confirmed they sent it to IALS. If anybody wants to ask them for details as to what happened and when, then that is for UoL to respond to (or not) as they see fit.
— 大意:如果沒有記錯,這篇論文是在2011年發送給IALS 的。當時倫大的研究學位辦公室正要關閉,在責任移交時,應該會清理一些尚未解決的事情。不過,我不會透露日期,由倫大選擇回應方式即可。→媒體關係主管D.O.先前於13:11提出一份回應草案,其中包括「早在35年前就已將論文發送給IALS」的說法
,此處得到修正2011年蔡英文曾手提大型公事包拜訪母校,與當時醜聞纏身的LSE教授David Held、以及前院長暨上議院議員Anthony Giddens(紀登斯)和代理院長Judith Rees會面,被懷疑是在偷渡論文

— 時間:2019年6月27日,14:04
— 發文者:Rachael Maguire→LSE資訊與記錄經理!
— 收文者:圖書館諮詢經理C.W.
— 副本收件人:媒體關係主管D. O.
— 主題:回覆 / 資訊自由詢問-論文指導者(RE: FOI query - thesis supervisor)
— 內容:This is not true as this is third party personal information which is being requested. Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act requires that we consider whether the data protection principles will be breached if we release personal data. The personal data in this case is: The degree granted / The supervisor's name. The main data protection principle is the first, relating to fairness. We have to consider if it will be fair to release personal data relating to another individual. Regarding the degree, this is fair to release as it is usually in the student's interests to confirm they received the degree they are saying they received. There will be negative consequences for them if we don't. Regarding the supervisor's name, this would not normally be fair because the School does not release the names of teaching staff on a regular basis and there would be an expectation from staff that their names were not released. However, as the supervisor is dead, data protection no longer applies. You have to be a living individual. So the supervisor's name in this instance could be released. FoI is not a complete right to information anyway, there are exemptions and other reasons we can refuse e.g. vexatious requests. I suggest linking to the ICO's website for more information www.ico.org.uk as a further resource.
— 大意:本案的個資包括授予的學位、指導者的姓名;但因人已過世,姓名可以被公開。資訊自由並非全然揭露,仍可用各種理由(如:無理取鬧)來拒絕外界的要求。→C.W.於同日14:12表示不一定需要公布,D. O.則於14:23決定不予公布。直到論文被公開之後,Rachael Maguire才承認指導者是2016年去世的Michael Elliott,並指出口試是在1983年10月16日(週日)舉行的

— 時間:2019年6月28日,12:11
— 發文者:圖書館諮詢經理C.W.
— 收文者:註冊主任M.T.、公關人員C.K.、媒體關係主管D.O.、學務副總監M.C.、傳播總監F.M.
— 主題:回覆 / 更多關於蔡英文博士論文的資訊(RE: More on the PhD Thesis by Ing-Wen Tsai ......)
— 內容:I received two copies of the thesis from Taiwan late yesterday. One soft bound and one hard bound. But both photocopies. There are two draft chapters and an outline on the student record and – in my humble opinion - there is enough of those in the thesis to suggest it is good. And besides, even with the whole wheel of government behind you, it would still be a rather neat trick to fake or rewrite a thesis as if it was done in 1983 and in the same font as the draft chapters. ☺ However, as Marcus said on Monday, we still can't really prove that this is what she actually submitted in 1983. One of my cataloguing colleagues has said we can probably catalogue it as a facsimile. For example: Tsai, Ing-Wen. Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions: a facsimile copy of her 1983 PhD thesis presented to LSE Library by President Ing-Wen Tsai of Taiwan. 2019 This makes it clear it's a copy and was presented to us by her – so some deniability on our part if necessary. By saying it was presented (again) and addressing her as President - it shows we are proud and still claiming brownie points for her as an LSE alumna. The date shows as 2019 because that's when the copy was made – so again, not claiming it is the actual thesis. To me, that sounds like a win-win for us and for her team. But happy to take it under advisement. And then, as previously, we don't have permission to digitise it so it would only be available in the special collections reading room where we have two people at all times who can monitor any copying or defacing. And I would suggest we only give out the soft copy. How does that sound? →文中夾雜笑臉符號!
— 大意:昨晚收到論文影印本的精裝和平裝版,使用的字體與學生記錄中的大綱、初稿相同;若是偽造或重寫,可算技巧高超!無論如何,我們無法證明這就是她在1983年實際提交的內容;若有必要,我們會加以否認。既為傑出校友感到自豪,也替她爭取印象分數,可謂雙贏。我們無權將其數位化,只能在有人監視的特殊館藏閱覽室中提供給讀者,避免任何複製或污損


※ 2019年9月2日11:02,總統府發言人重新向圖書館諮詢經理C.W.請求提供修業起迄時間、指導老師和口試委員的姓名;在對方於18:31承諾絕對可以提供學生記錄資料後,根據蔡英文簽署的信件,於9月3日6:53正式索取包含論文口試、考試結果通知、授予學位、申請補發證書等日期的學生記錄!C.W.雖在同日23:06建議直接聯繫當年的校本部,但後來聽說倫敦大學毫無回應,仍接受蔡陣營的意見,表示樂於協助發布學位被正確授予的聲明,僅婉拒以訟止謗!原始資料請見 https://richardsonreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/FW_-Request-for-President-Tsais-student-record.pdf。以下則提供2019年10月8日LSE官網上對於蔡英文博士學位的聲明與中譯,原始資料請見 http://www.lse.ac.uk/News/Latest-news-from-LSE/2019/j-October-2019/LSE-statement-on-PhD-of-Dr-Tsai-Ing-wen

LSE statement on PhD of Dr Tsai Ing-wen

LSE has received a number of queries regarding the academic status of our alumna, Dr Tsai Ing-wen, President of Taiwan. We can be clear the records of LSE and of the University of London - the degree awarding body at the time - confirm that Dr Tsai was correctly awarded a PhD in Law in 1984. All degrees from that period were awarded via the University of London and the thesis would have been sent first to their Senate House Library. The Senate House Library records confirm that a copy was received and sent by them to the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies (IALS). There is a listing of Dr Tsai's thesis‘Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions’in the IALS index document “Legal Research in the United Kingdom 1905-1984”, which was published in 1985. Dr Tsai recently provided the LSE Library with a facsimile of a personal copy of the thesis, Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions which is available to view in the Library Reading Room. We understand Dr Tsai has also provided a digital version of her personal copy to the National Central Library of Taiwan. (LSE已收到一些有關我們的校友、台灣總統蔡英文博士學業狀況的查詢。根據當時學位授予機構LSE和倫敦大學的記錄,我們可以清楚確認蔡博士於1984年被正確授予法學博士學位。那個時期的所有學位都是由倫敦大學授予,論文則首先會送至其總圖SHL。總圖的記錄證實,他們曾收到一本,並送至高等法律研究所〔IALS〕。有一份蔡博士之論文《不公平貿易與防衛機制》的列表,出現在1985年IALS出版的索引《英國法律研究1905-1984》中。蔡博士最近提供LSE圖書館一份傳真,為論文《不公平貿易與防衛機制》的個人副本,可在圖書館閱覽室觀看。我們也獲悉蔡博士還將其個人副本的數位版提供給台灣的國家圖書館。)IALS的Institute for後來修正為Institute of!此處未提及論文移交記錄應是出現在2011年!值得住意還有:2019年9月26日《中時》刊出〈蔡英文論文真假?東大生稱找到證據了〉一文,後來發現這份1985年出版的索引前言提醒資料可能有誤,特別是學位授予日期,而且IALS以連續編號收藏的法學論文中並無蔡英文的資料!