


※ 2022年,針對網友在「WhatDoTheyKnow」網站上的公開提問,倫敦大學發表相關查證結果。原始資料請見
https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/does_the_university_of_london_ho https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/the_publication_date_of_tsai_ing#incoming-1949227https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/excuse_me_ask_a_questionis_it_po_2

— 時間:2021年12月21日
— 發文單位資訊:倫敦大學
— 發文者:Suzie Mereweather→資料保護暨資訊法遵主管!
— 主題:倫敦大學有無LSE畢業生獲得博士學位的口試資訊?(Does the University of London hold the information of the oral exams 〔Viva〕for the LSE graduates who were awarded the degrees of PhD?)
— 內容:I am writing in response to your request for information and can now give the following response in relation to your question.  The University of London holds only mimimal information relating to graduates of Member Institutions. We record the name of the graduate, the date of award, the name of the Member Institution and the title of the thesis. The remainder of the information is usually retained by the Member Institution (such as LSE)
— 大意:倫敦大學僅掌握極少量的資訊:畢業生姓名、論文題目、學位授予日期,其餘資料通常由各學院保存,如LSE。→倫敦大學於2007年6月改制,而後LSE才開始自行授予學位!不過,在蔡英文的倫大檔案中,似乎還有未正常發送出去的「記錄表」和「論文複製表」,後者應在口試前填寫!

— 時間:2022年1月11日
— 發文單位資訊:倫敦大學
文者:Suzie Mereweather
— 主題:總圖館藏蔡英文博士論文的出版日期?(The publication date of Tsai Ing-Wen's PhD thesis which was held by Senate House Library?)
— 內容:Thank you for your patience in waiting for a response to your Freedom of Information request during the University closure period in December/January.  I can now respond to your request regarding publication of the thesis titled "Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions".  The University of London has not published this thesis as no physical copy of the thesis was received into the University from the examiners.  LSE has an electronic copy of the thesis available to access via their online thesis system  [1]http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/ You can also read LSE's statement regarding this thesis here: [2]LSE statement on PhD of Dr Tsai Ing-wen
— 大意:由於當年並無口試委員提供蔡英文的紙本論文,因此倫敦大學沒有發表。目前LSE提供線上的電子版。

— 時間:2022年1月14日
— 發文單位資訊:倫敦大學
文者:Emily Brick→資訊治理官!
— 主題:不好意思,請教一個問題。一份博士論文可能在倫敦大學取得1.5或2個博士學位嗎?(Excuse me, ask a question. Is it possible that Can one PhD thesis get 1.5 or 2 doctoral degree in University of London?)
— 內容:Thank you for your request. To answer your request below: 'IS it possible that Can one PhD thesis get 1.5 or 2 doctoral degree in University of London?' The University of London does not award a 1.5 or 2 PhD degree. You can find the University of London regulations for PhD degrees here https://www.sas.ac.uk/sites/default/file...
— 大意:倫敦大學不會授予1.5或2個博士學位。→蔡英文在2011年親口表示:「這個大概是有史以來倫敦政經學院最令人驚奇的博士論文考試!最後他們決定給我1.5個學位。」


