※ 網友於2022年4月6日透過「WhatDoTheyKnow」網站取得1983/84學年度修業規定的部分資料,此處進行摘錄,中文大意僅供參考。原始資料請見 https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/dissertation_requirements#incoming-2015349
;另可參看UK Watchdog提供的同期畢業生VV檔案 https://richardsonreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/V-V-file.pdf
1. Introduction(簡介)
— The M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees may be awarded in the Faculties of ……Laws……(法律系可頒授碩士和博士學位)
2. Qualifications for Admission(入學資格)
The normal minimum entrance qualification for registration for the
M.Phil. degree or the Ph.D degree is:……an overseas qualification of an
equivalent standard obtained after a course of study extending over not
less than three years in a university (or educational institution of
university rank), in a subject appropriate to that of the course to be
followed……or……a professional qualification obtained by written
examinations and approved by the University as an appropriate entrance
An applicant for registration may also be required to pass a qualifying
examination……and will be required to meet, in respect of certain fields
and subjects……(申請者可能需要通過資格考試,並滿足某些領域的要求)→蔡英文的學籍卡上登記為「無資格考」(NO QE)!
— English language and other tests may be prescribed by the School at which the course is to be pursued.(英語和其他測試可由研讀所在的學院規定)→倫敦大學旗下有眾多學院,並且有不少的合作機構!
……An applicant who is not a graduate of the University of London must
produce satisfactory evidence of having attained a standard equivalent
to that demanded of graduates of the
3. Qualifying Examinations (資格考試)→根據VV檔案,QE乃是入學資格考,由首次師生面談的結果來決定是否需要!
A candidate who is required to satisfy qualifying conditions may not be
registered initially for the Ph.D. degree, but must be registered for
an M.Phil. degree in the first instance.(欲攻讀博士學位、但是尚未滿足資格條件者,應先行註冊為碩士生)→在台大法律系、康乃爾LLM研讀過的蔡英文,1980年註冊為碩士生!
Except with the special permission of his School or Institute a
candidate who fails to pass a qualifying examination prescribed for him
by the University will not be permitted to re-enter for the qualifying
examination; if re-entry to the qualifying examination is permitted, a
candidate will be limited to one
4. Registration(註冊)
A candidate for a research degree will be registered initially for the
M.Phil. degree except where the candidate is exceptionally well
qualified and the School, Institute or, in the case of a candidate at an
Institution having Recognised Teachers, the University, has given
special permission for initial registration for the Ph.D.
— ……If a student
does not begin his course within one calendar year from the date of
approval of his registration he must apply again if he still desires to
7. Transfer of Registration(變更註冊)
If the student's entrance qualifications have not been approved for
registration for the degree to which he wishes to transfer his School or
Institute may, on the recommendation of his supervisor, apply to the
University for permission to transfer his
registration.(如果入學時尚未達到期盼的註冊標準,可根據指導老師的建議而由學院向大學校本部申請變更註冊)→對照VV檔案(1982年10月11日得到推薦,13日召開會議,18日寄出通知),以及LSE公開的行事曆(研究委員會在1982年1月20日和2月17日召開過相關會議),不可能Michael Elliot在2月9日建議讓蔡英文碩轉博、然後2月11日就發出准許通知書!
— A
student registered for the M.Phil. degree for whom qualifying conditions
have been prescribed may not be considered for transfer to Ph.D.
registration until such conditions have been
Transfer to Ph.D. registration may be made not less than one year
after registration for the M.Phil. degree……(碩士生註冊至少一年之後,才可以轉為博士生)→1980年10月入學的蔡英文據稱是在一年多之後轉入博士班;同時入學的VV則是在兩學年的學程完全結束之後才變更註冊,而後僅用一年的時間取得博士學位。但是碩轉博的日期並未登記在兩人的學籍卡上!
Where a student is permitted to transfer his registration to……the
Ph.D. degree, such registration may be dated from the date of initial
registration for the M.Phil. degree.(允許變更註冊為博士生時,學程日期可從註冊為碩士生之日起算)→蔡英文與VV的學籍卡上直接將M. Phil劃線刪除,改成Ph.D.,並塗改成「自1980年10月起算」(retro Oct 80)!
……a student registered for the Ph.D. degree at a School or Institute
of the University will be permitted to transfer his registration to the
M.Phil. degree. The School or Institute may permit such transfer on the
recommendation of the supervisor, and shall so inform the
— Transfer to
M.Phil. registration may be made at any time except that no transfer may
be made after the student has entered for the Ph.D. examination. Such
registration may be dated from the date of initial registration for the
Ph.D. degree.(博士生可以隨時轉為碩士生,除非業已進入博士考試的審查流程;碩士學程可從註冊為博士生之日起算)
8. Attendance and Course of Study (出席與學程)→根據VV不再註冊而特別標記的結業(course complete)字樣,withdraw from course應與單純的修退選無關!
The course of study for the degree of M.Phil. or Ph.D. may include
attendance at lectures and coursework as prescribed by the School,
Senate Institute or Institution having recognised Teachers at which the
student is registered.(依照學院的規定,碩、博士學程可能包括參加講座和提交作業)
— ……the
minimum length of course for the degrees of M.Phil. and Ph.D. shall be
two academic years of full-time study……(全職學生的碩、博士學程最短長度為兩學年)→蔡英文與VV的學籍卡上標示學程長度為21個月!兩學年之後,VV於1983年1月25日進入完成研究狀態(Completing Research Status),仍繼續註冊,直到確認口試能順利完成為止;而家境富裕的蔡英文早在1982年11月10日便以財務困難為由而退出學程(withdraw from course),不再註冊!
A School or Institute shall appoint a supervisor for each of its
students registered for the M.Phil. or Ph.D. degree.(學院應替每位碩、博士生安排一名指導老師)→蔡英文前兩年的指導老師為Lazar和Elliott,皆無博士學位!她表示系主任曾說:「Bloody hell!……這個大綱寫得很好啊!為什麼她老師要告她的狀呢?」就幫她換指導老師!
A course must be pursued continuously except by special permission of
the University or, where the interruption is for a period not exceeding
two years, by the authorities of a School or Institute; any such
interruption excused by a School or Institute must be reported to the
Academic Registrar of the
University.(學程必須持續進行,除非大學校本部特許,或是學院允許的不超過兩年之休學,但必須報告給大學的學術註冊組)→LSE官網中提到的withdrawing permanently from a course of study是指永久退學的嚴肅問題,和暫時休學(Interruption)不同!
Regular contact with his Supervisor must be maintained throughout the
approved period of absence from the School, Institute or
— A student shall, during his course of study, pay a fee to the Institution in which he is registered.(學程期間應繳費註冊)→蔡英文自第三年、也就是論文題目被批准之前,便不再有任何註冊繳費的記錄!至於同期生VV,似乎是在交出論文之後、口試之前才決定下學期不再註冊。
After completing an approved course of study a student will normally
be required to present himself for examination within one calendar year.
A student must apply to his School or Institute for permission to enter
at a date later than one calendar year after completion of his course
of study.(學程結束後的一年之內,學生通常會被要求報考,並向學院申請在結束超過一年之後進入學位考試的審查流程。)
Before a candidate is admitted to the examination for the degree, the
School, Institute or Institution having Recognised Teachers shall report
that he has completed the course in accordance with the
9. Requirements of a Thesis(論文要求)
The method of examination for the M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees is as set
out in Sections 15 and 21 below.(碩、博士學位的考試辦法,詳述於第15、21節)→缺乏第15節的資料!
A thesis for the Ph.D. degree must form a distinct contribution to the
knowledge of the subject and afford evidence of originality shown by
the discovery of new facts and/or by the exercise of independent
critical power. A full bibliography and references will be
A thesis for the M.Phil. degree shall be either a record of original
work or an ordered and critical exposition of existing knowledge in any
field. There should be evidence that the field has been surveyed
thoroughly. A full bibliography and references will be
— The
greater proportion of the work submitted in a thesis must have been done
after the registration of the student for the Ph.D. or M.Phil.
The thesis must consist of the candidate's own account of his
investigations and must indicate in what respects they appear to him to
advance the study of the subject.(論文中必須有調查的自述,並指出在哪些方面推進了課題研究)
— A thesis must be written in English and the literary presentation must be satisfactory. (論文必須以英文撰寫,並且有令人滿意的文學表現)→蔡英文的論文中出現美式拼法,並有數百個拼寫錯字和許多斷字錯誤!
A candidate will not be permitted to submit as his thesis one which has
been submitted for a degree or comparable award in this or any other
university or institution, but a candidate shall not be precluded from
incorporating in a thesis covering a wider field work which he has
already submitted for a degree or comparable award in this or any other
university or institution provided that he shall indicate on his entry
form and also on his thesis any work which has been so
— A
candidate may submit the results of work done in conjunction with his
supervisor and/or with fellow research workers provided that the
candidate states clearly his own personal share in the investigation and
that the statement is certified by the
Work already published including that published in joint names may be
included only if it forms an integral part of the thesis and thereby
makes a relevant contribution to the main theme of the thesis. A series
of publications alone is not acceptable as a
A thesis must be presented in typescript or print and be bound in
accordance with the instructions issued by the Academic
Every candidate is required to present a short abstract of his thesis
of not more than 300 words and bound with each copy of the thesis
submitted to the University. One additional loose copy of the abstract
must also be provided.(提交給大學的每份論文中必須附有300字以下的摘要,而且還要提供另一份額外的散裝摘要)→下文提到,報名表中就必須有300字左右的論文摘要,而蔡英文的摘要是在口試之後才添上的!
The standard of the Ph.D. thesis shall be such that, if not already
published in an approved form, it must be suitable for publication
either as submitted or in an abridged or modified
— Length of Thesis for Ph.D. degree.(博士論文長度)→未規範法律系!
10. Approval of Title of Thesis(論文題目的批准)
A student registered at a School or Institute must have the title of
his thesis approved by his Supervisor. The approval is notified to the
University on the examination entry
11. Entry to Examination and Submission of Thesis(進入審查流程和提交論文)
A candidate from a School or Institute must apply to the authorities of
his School or Institute for an entry form……The entry form, including
the certificate of completion of course of study therein, must be
completed and submitted to the Academic Registrar of the
University.(必須向學院申請,並將附有學程結業證書的報名表提交給大學的學術註冊組)→根據VV檔案,她似乎在論文題目被批准之後不久即填交報名表,LSE正式向倫敦大學提交的日期是1983年3月22日,學籍卡上的記錄為Date of entry:Mar 83。照此來看,所謂6月提交的似乎是蔡英文的考試報名表,而非論文!
A candidate shall be examined in accordance with the regulations in
force at the time of his entry or re-entry.(應按照進入考試審查流程當時有效的規定進行審查)→1982/83學年度的倫敦大學規章!
(M.Phil. Examination without written papers and Ph.D. Examination)……the
form of entry may not be submitted earlier than six months before the
completion of the prescribed course and should be submitted not later
than four months before the submission of the thesis. ……(A candidate
permitted to re-enter within a specified period shall submit his entry
form and thesis
A candidate is required to submit with his entry form a short
description of the content of the thesis in about 300 words to assist in
the appointment of suitable examiners.(為了有助於委任合適的考官,報名表中必須有300字左右的論文摘要)→據稱蔡英文的論文摘要是在口試後補上的!而她自稱有三位考官:指導老師Elliott當年的主要研究領域為憲法和行政法,Leigh教授為商業犯罪和警察權力,只有來自校外的考官Dale研究反傾銷法,但是都缺乏佐證!蔡英文甚至如此描述:「那個律師就說妳的經濟部分寫得不錯,那個經濟學家說我法律的部分寫得不錯。」目前這份口委名單依然查無實據!
The thesis may be submitted on or after the first day of the month
following that in which the prescribed course is completed. A candidate
required to pursue a course extending over a specified number of
academic years may not submit his thesis before 1 June of the relevant
— If the
candidate has not submitted his thesis for examination 18 months after
the submission of the form of entry for the examination, his entry will
be cancelled.(如果在提交報名表18個月後仍未提交論文,將取消報名資格)
— A candidate will be
required to submit three copies of his thesis either typewritten or
printed of which two copies must be bound in accordance with
instructions obtainable from the Academic Registrar. The third copy must
be at least adequately
A candidate for the M.Phil. or Ph.D. degree is required to bring to the
oral examination a copy of his thesis paginated in the same way as the
copies submitted to the University.(考生必須帶一份論文參與口試,其分頁方式與提交給大學校本部的論文完全相同)
12. Availability of Theses(論文的利用)
……candidates for the M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees will at the time of
entry to the examination be required to sign a declaration in the
following terms:(a)I authorise that the thesis presented by me in [year]
for examination for the M.Phil./Ph.D. degree of the University of
London, shall, if a degree is awarded, be deposited in the University of
London Library and in the library of the appropriate School or
Institute and that……my thesis be made available for public reference,
inter-library loan and copying.(b)I authorise the University of London
to supply a copy of the abstract of my thesis for inclusion in any
published list of theses offered for higher degrees in British
universities……(c)I authorise the University of London to lend a copy of
my thesis to the British Library and authorise that Library……to make a
microform copy……(d)I understand that before any person is permitted to
read, borrow or reproduce a single copy of my thesis he will be required
to sign the following declaration: I recognise that the copyright of
the above-mentioned thesis rests with the author and that no quotation
from it or information derived from it may be published without the
prior written consent of the author.(e)I authorise the University of
London to make a microform copy of my thesis in due course as the
archival copy for permanent retention in substitution for the original
copy.(f)I warrant that this authorisation does not, to the best of my
belief, infringe the rights of any third party.(g)I understand that in
the event of my thesis being not approved by the examiners, this
declaration would become
void.(考生在進入審查流程時將被要求簽署以下聲明:若被授予學位,論文應存放在倫敦大學圖書館和相應的學院圖書館,可供引用、複製、以及館際互借;論文摘要可列入英國大學高等學位的論文列表;大英圖書館和倫敦大學可製作微縮膠卷;任何借閱或複制論文者,必須簽署聲明:「承認版權歸作者所有;未經作者事先書面同意,不得發表引述或衍生信息」;保證此授權不會侵犯任何第三方的權利;如果論文沒有通過,此聲明將會失效)→相關圖書館找不到紙本論文和微縮膠卷!倫敦大學僅保存著沒有正常交遞出去的所謂「論文複製表格」(reproductions of thesis form)或「論文版權提交表格」(the thesis copyright submission form)!
A candidate may apply to the Academic Council at the time of
registration or thereafter: (a)to retain personally the sole right to
grant permission to consult, borrow or copy his work for a period not
normally exceeding five years……(b)to withhold the abstract of his thesis
from publication, or from inclusion in a central file, for a period not
normally exceeding five years……Candidates should……giving a brief note
of the reasons.(考生可向學術委員會申請五年之內不允許查閱、借用或複制論文,也不允許發表論文摘要,但應說明原因)→蔡英文的論文在1987年第一次被學生引用,摘要也是首見於同年英國ASLIB協會的論文索引中,而整本論文則是2019年才正式現蹤!
13. Notification of Results(結果通知)→根據VV檔案,學籍卡上的學位取得(Result:Degree awarded)是指結果通知、而非證書簽發的時間!
After the examiners have reached a decision, every candidate will be
notified by the Academic Registrar of the result of his
A diploma under the seal of the University shall be subsequently
delivered to each candidate who has been awarded a
The diploma for the degree will bear the names of the candidate in the
form in which they appear in the records of the University at the date
of issue.(大學校本部會記錄學位證書的頒發日期)→蔡英文的LSE學籍卡上標示1984年2月授予學位,證書則是3月頒發!不過,2022年倫敦大學的官網聲明中提到的是蔡英文於2月取得博士學位,可能並未詳查當年記錄,只是根據LSE後來提供的資料,而且一直迴避協助台灣的司法調查!
21. Method of Examination for the Ph.D. degree(博士學位考試辦法)
Candidates for the Ph.D. degree must submit a thesis and be examined
orally, save as prescribed otherwise in Section 22
below.(博士候選人必須提交論文,並進行口試;除非22 節另有規定)
22. Conduct of Ph.D. Examination(博士考試的執行)
After the examiners have read the thesis they may, if they think fit
and without further test, determine that the candidate has not satisfied
them in the examination.(考官讀完論文之後,可以直接表示不滿意,而無需對考生進一步測試)
Except……the examiners, after reading the thesis, shall examine the
candidate orally and at their discretion by written papers or practical
examination or by both methods on the subject of the thesis and, if they
see fit, on subjects relevant
Candidates are required to present themselves for an oral, practical or
written examination at such place and times as the University may
direct and to bring with them to the oral examination an additional copy
of their thesis……(在大學指定的地點和時間參加口試、筆試或實作;口試時,必須另帶一份論文)→LSE透露口試時間為1983年10月16日,星期日!而蔡英文是在10月15日從台灣出境、16日抵達英國!
If the thesis is adequate, but the candidate fails to satisfy the
examiners at the oral examination, the examiners may determine that the
candidate be permitted to re-present the same thesis, and submit to a
further oral examination within a period specified by them and not
exceeding 18 months.(如果論文合格,但是口試未能令人滿意,則考官可以允許考生再次提出相同的論文,並在18個月內進行口試)
If the thesis, though inadequate, shall seem of sufficient merit to
justify such action, the examiners may determine that the candidate be
permitted to re-present his thesis in a revised form within 18 months.
Examiners shall not, however, make such a decision without submitting
the candidate to an oral examination. The examiners may at their
discretion exempt from a further oral examination on re-presentation of
his thesis a candidate who under this regulation has been permitted to
re-present it in a revised form.
The examiners may require the candidate to make specified minor
amendments to the thesis. These must be made within a period of one
month and the amended thesis will be submitted to the examiners or to
one of their number nominated by them for confirmation that the
amendments are
If, after completion of the examination including the oral examination
or re-examination for the Ph.D. degree, the examiners determine that a
candidate has not reached the standard required for the award of the
degree nor for the re-presentation of the thesis in a revised form for
that degree, they may determine, if they think fit, that the candidate
has reached the standard required for the award of the M.Phil. degree
subject to any minor amendments which may be required. Following such a
decision of the examiners, the following conditions and procedures will
apply:(a)The candidate will be informed that he has been unsuccessful at the examination for the Ph.D. degree, but that he has reached the standard required for the award of the M.Phil. degree, and that he may be considered for the award of the M.Phil. degree if he indicates within two months that he wishes to be so considered.(b)A candidate who indicates that he wishes to be considered
for the award of the M.Phil. degree under this Regulation will not be
required to submit the thesis or dissertation, as may be required under
the Regulations for the M.Phil. degree or to undergo an oral examination
thereon, but will be required to fulfil the requirements for the
M.Phil. examination in all other respects including the passing, at the
next following occasion on which they are held, of any required written
papers or other required tests prescribed for the M.Phil. degree in the
relevant field.……(c)If additional forms of examination are
prescribed, the candidate will be informed the he must satisfy the
examiners in such forms of examination, and that if he fails, re-entry
will be governed by the Regulations for the M.Phil. degree so far as
applicable.(d)A candidate who applies for the award of the M.Phil.
degree under these regulations must make any minor amendment that may be
required by the examiners within a period of one month.
A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners will not be permitted
to re-enter for the examination, but he may apply to register de novo
for a further period of study leading to the submission of a thesis on a
different topic……(如果未能使考官滿意,將不被允許再次報名考試;但是可以重新註冊、學習,而後再提交其他主題的論文)→例如考官讀完論文便直接表示不滿意時!
※ 1983年6月15日,倫敦大學針對帝國學院某位博士候選人的口試事宜而向同意共同審查的國王學院教授發信,隨函附上考官須知。此處進行摘錄,中文大意僅供參考。原始資料請見 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=hwanclin&set=a.907444344718023
— 1.1.1. At least one of the examiners for each candidate shall, whenever practicable, have had experience in examining for the Ph.D. Degree of the University.(應盡可能讓考官之中至少有一人具有大學博士學位的審查經驗)
— 1.1.2 If the examiners appointed do not include the Supervisor (or either of two Joint Supervisors) under whom the research has been carried out, then: (a) The Supervisor (or one of two Joint Supervisors) shall be invited to attend the oral examination of his Ph.D. candidate as an observer without the right to question the candidate or participate in any way (see also 3.5. below) (b) The examiners may, at their discretion, consult the Supervisor before completing their Report, particularly if they have doubts relating to the appropriate recommendation to make. (c) The Supervisor or Joint Supervisor(s) shall be entitled to receive a copy of the examiners' Report on request for his own information only. Any Report so given is issued in the strictest confidence to the Supervisor or Joint Supervisor(s) concerned and may not be passed to any third party.(若任命的考官不包括任何一位指導老師,則應邀請對方在並非公開進行的口試當中擔任無權發問的觀察員,但可在審查報告完成之前加以諮詢;指導老師可以索取報告副本,但不得轉交給任何人)→蔡英文聲稱她有三位口試委員,其中一位就是沒有博士和教授頭銜、專長領域也非國際貿易法的指導老師Michael Elliott:「口試了大概兩個多鐘頭,他們就讓我出來……我的指導老師就把頭探出來,他說:『Miss 蔡,妳進來一下。』那我就進去了。他說:『我們討論了很久,倒也不是討論要不要給妳博士學位,我們要討論是給妳一個博士學位、還是給妳兩個博士學位。』」
— 1.1.3. Examiners are advised that all matters relating to the examination must be treated as confidential. Examiners are not permitted to divulge the content of previously unpublished material contained in a candidate's thesis until such time as any restrictions on access to the thesis, which may have been granted by the Academic Council, have been removed.(考試的相關事宜皆應保密。在可能的限制被解除之前,不得洩露未發表過的論文內容)
1.2 For Candidates working at a School of the University or at an Institution having Recognised Teachers(針對在所屬學院等機構進行研究的考生)
— 1.2.1 For each candidate Boards of Studies shall normally appoint two persons to act as Examiners, but the Board of Studies may if they consider it desirable, appoint three persons to act as examiners jointly. At least one of the examiners shall be a visiting examiner (i.e. external to the University or from a School where the candidate was not registered). If two of the examiners appointed are external to the University, a special request for the additional fees payable has to be made to the Finance of University Examinations Sub-Committee. The Academic Council will therefore require from Boards of Studies submitting any such proposal a statement of the reasons for it.(研究審定委員會通常會任命兩位考官,但可視狀況增加一名,而且其中至少有一人並非任教於考生註冊的學院。 如果考官皆是來自倫敦大學外部,必須說明如此任命的理由,從而申請支付額外的費用)→LSE曾聲稱蔡英文的口試委員乃是其指導老師和另一位LSE教授,倫敦大學亦簡單表示有兩名考官!雖然蔡英文主張另有一位校外口委,但是並無任命文件可證明!
— 1.2.2 If three examiners are appointed to act in the first instance of whom two are the candidate's teachers, these two shall be considered as one examiner for the purpose of decision.(如果三名考官中有兩人曾是考生的老師,僅能視同一人來進行決議)
— 1.2.3 When two examiners are appointed in the first instance Boards of Studies shall also appoint, either at the same time or when required, an additional examiner to act only if called upon by the Principal at the request of the examiners. The original examiners shall so request before they report formally that they are unable to arrive at an agreement and may do so at any time, if they consider it desirable. Wherever possible the additional examiner shall be of professorial status and shall have considerable experience of examining for the Ph.D. Degree of this University. This provision shall also apply when two of three examiners appointed in the first instance are the candidate's teachers and count as one for the purpose of decision under paragraph 1.2.2. (僅在考官的要求下,才會額外任命第三位考官。當兩位考官無法達成協議,可在提出正式審查報告之前提出請求。增加的考官應盡可能具有教授頭銜,並具有豐富的相關審查經驗。)→Michael Elliott僅是講師,而且研究領域不同!
1.3 →從略!
2. Thesis(論文)→部份從略,因其內容與修業規定中的「論文要求」大致相同!
2.6 Copies of all successful theses, whether published or not, will be deposited for reference in the University Library.(無論是否發表,所有成功的論文都將存放在大學圖書館供人參考)→倫大總圖表示,未曾收到此論文的原始版本;倫敦大學也已確認當年蔡英文的論文沒有被發表!
3. Conduct of Examination(考試的執行)→部份從略,因其內容或與修業規定中的「博士考試的執行」大致相同、或與蔡英文無關!
3.1 Each report of the Examiners shall state (a) the subject of the thesis submitted by the candidate; (b) a list of his other original contributions (if any) to the advancement of his subject; (c) a concise statement of the grounds upon which the Examiners base their recommendation.(考官的審查報告中應說明論文主題、學科貢獻、建議與理由)
3.3 ……If an additional examiner is called upon to act (see paragraph 1.2.3 above) after an oral examination has been held, the examiners acting jointly and after considering all relevant circumstances shall determine whether to hold a further oral examination and whether that examination (if any) shall be conducted by the additional examiner alone or in concert with one or more of the original examiners.(如果口試之後需要額外的考官,則三人應共同決定是否舉行進一步的口試、以及是由誰來進行後續的審查)
3.5 Oral examinations shall be held in private.(口試應以非公開形式進行)
3.6 If the thesis is adequate and the candidate satisfies the Examiners in all other parts of the examination, the Examiners will report that the candidate has satisfied them. (如果論文合格,而且候選人在考試中的各方面皆令人滿意,考官應提出相關報告)