※ 背景1:蔡英文的論文書目曾出現在1985、1987年分別由英國IALS、ASLIB出版的紙本索引中,2009年首次被美國ProQuest學術資料庫建立可以網路查詢的書目資料,但是皆無實體書可資佐證!以下之原始資料請見 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkbTeoZEdyo、https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/2819055
— 時間:2019年10月9日,23:27
— 發文者:ProQuest
— 收文者:(不明)
內容:We received a number of submissions from the UK in 2009 as part of a
special programming event. The full text in any format for this
publication was never received. If/When we receive the full text, if
requested by the school or author, the restriction will get lifted. For
reasons unknown to ProQuest, the author and/or school has not provided
us with a copy of the full manuscript.
— 大意:蔡英文的論文書目包含在2009年英國一項特殊計畫送過去的資料中,但是無論是學校或作者都從未以任何形式繳交論文,原因不明。→出版主題為心理學——文摘、書目、統計學!無法提供此論文的摘要與數位化版本!
※ 背景2:大英圖書館與LSE於2013年更新EThOS系統的合作備忘錄,並於2015年6月24日基於回應用戶而首次建立蔡英文的論文書目。以下之原始資料被大英圖書館附於2020年1月14日回應信息自由請求案的電郵中 https://richardsonreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/1.-200114-Response-1984-1.pdf,而備忘錄的完整內容請詳見 https://richardsonreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/8.-Q2.-Ethos-MOU-LSE.pdf
文件名稱:LSE與大英圖書館關於EThOS電子論文在線服務系統的合作備忘錄(Memorandum of Understanding
relating to the ETHOS E-Theses Online Service Between London School of
Economics and Political Science and The British Library)
— 擬定時間:2013年8月(ETHOS MOU, August 2013)→9月簽署!
目的:提供大英圖書館和高等教育機構之間有關EThOS服務的合作框架……無意產生任何法律義務。(Purpose of the MOU: This
Memorandum provides a framework for co-operation between the British
Library and Higher Education institutions relating to the ETHOS
service.... is not intended to create any legal obligations.)
共同目標:替英國高等教育機構授予的所有博士論文提供全面記錄。(Shared aims: Aims to provide a
comprehensive national record of all doctoral theses awarded by UK
Higher Education regardless of their availability, format or where they
are held)
HEI / Make information about theses not held in the repository
available to ETHOS by making catalogue records available or by supplying
e- or paper title pages for cataloguing. BL / Create ETHOS records from
the information supplied. Seek to acquire missing data from
institutions to maintain a full record of UK theses.)
論文全文的獲取:大英圖書館僅獲取元數據,用戶必須透過鏈接而進入高等教育機構的資料庫。(Harvest and ingest of
full-text theses: Harvest & ingest metadata only / Theses are
accessible only via links to your repository.)→元數據(metadata)是用來描述和管理數位化信息資源的電子式目錄!LSE並未勾選大英圖書館建議直接從EThOS下載論文的選項!
— 依需要提供數位化服務:用戶付費,可訂購紙本論文的數位化版本。(Digitisation on demand: User pays / Users may order a digital copy of a paper thesis.)
※ 林環牆於2019年5月29日以電郵詢問LSE圖書館:為何蔡英文的論文資訊僅出現在大英圖書館的EThOS系統?並於6月4日得知,理當取得博士論文的LSE圖書館、倫敦大學總圖、IALS圖書館中皆未收藏,而後其他人的查詢也陸續湧入LSE和大英圖書館。以下之原始資料請見 https://richardsonreport.com/b-l-agency-records/
— 時間:2019年6月10日,07:05
— 發文者:(不明)
— 收文者:(不明)
— 主題:回覆 / 博士論文《不公平貿易與防衛機制》(re doctoral thesis: "Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions")
內容:Dear LSE Library, Does the Library have an accession of the doctoral
thesis "Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions", by Dr. Ing-Wen
TSAI ? Is it available to read in the Library?
— 大意:LSE圖書館中有蔡英文的博士論文可供閱讀嗎?→此信於同日9:12被轉發,要求查明回覆!6月11日,LSE圖書館的諮詢服務經理Clive
— 時間:2019年6月15日,01:05
— 發文者:大英圖書館EThOS團隊研究人員→姓名及職務資料遭塗黑!
— 收文者:大英圖書館英國論文小組
— 主題:請求一份未在 EThOS列出的已知論文(Request a known thesis not listed in EThOS)
內容:Thesis Details / Title : Unfair trade practices and safeguard
actions / Thesis Author : Ing-Wen Tsai / Awarding Institution : London
School of Economics and Political Science / Year : 1984 / Additional
Information : citation
— 大意:描述蔡英文論文的基本資料。
— 時間:2019年6月17日,06:47
— 發文者:Lynn Townend→EThOS客服!
— 收文者:(不明)
— 內容:Thank you for your speculative request for a UK Doctoral thesis. This thesis record is already on EThOS: http://ETHOS.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uin=uk.bl.ethos.652034 If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
— 大意:該論文記錄已在EThOS列出。→LSE於此日收到論文標題和感謝頁!
— 時間:2019年6月21日,05:44
— 發文者:(不明)
— 收文者:Lynn Townend
— 主題:回覆 / 請求一份未在 EThOS列出的已知論文(Re: Request a known thesis not listed in EThOS)
內容:Thank you very much for your prompt response to my request of
Ing-Wen Tsai's LSE PhD thesis titled "Unfair Trade Practices and
Safeguard Actions" of 1984. In fact, the situation is complicated.
Although the information about this thesis is searchable in your library
system, it is not in each of the three University of London libraries:
Senate House Library, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies library, and
LSE library. The thesis actually does not exist physically and digitally
in these three libraries according to my contact with LSE librarians.
To prove what I said, you can check the following link: https://librarysearch.lse.ac.uk/primo-explore/search?query=any,contains,Ing
Wen%20Tsai&tab=default tab&search scope=CSCOP ALL&vid=44LSE
So, how come the so-call "PhD thesis" is searchable in your library
system? Please kindly let me know who uploaded the fake information
about the non-existent thesis to your ethos system, and when did someone
do this uploading? In addition, if you verify that the PhD thesis has
never existed, please remove it from your ethos system. Your replies
will be greatly appreciated. I made these requests under UK FOI and I
thank you very much for your valuable time.
— 時間:2019年6月21日,16:15
— 發文者:Sue Johnson→EThOS客服代表,以下簡稱「EThOS客服代表S.J.」!
— 收文者:大英圖書館信息自由查詢小組
— 副本收件人:Sara Gould、Anand Satchidanandam、Heather Rosie→以下將Sara Gould簡稱為「BL數據庫主管S.G.」,Heather Rosie簡稱為「EThOS 元數據管理者H.R.」!
— 主題:轉發 / 請求一份未在 EThOS列出的已知論文 / 用戶編號(FW: Request a known thesis not listed in EThOS CRM:00410015606)
— 內容:http://ETHOS.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uin=uk.bl.ethos.652034
We hold a thesis record on EThOS that the researcher below is unable to
verify. He wishes to make an FOI request on how we have the data and
when it was loaded. I have copied in colleagues who may be able to help
with the information required. This is also the second query I have
received about this thesis.
— 大意:某研究人員無法驗證EThOS系統中的這份論文記錄,希望針對如何獲取數據、何時加載數據提出信息自由請求。這是第二度收到相關詢問,已請同事協助。
— 時間:2019年6月24日,09:57
— 發文者:BL數據庫主管S.G.
— 收文者:大英圖書館EThOS客服、信息自由查詢小組→主要發信對象為信息法遵經理James Courthold,以下簡稱「BL法遵經理J.C.」!
— 副本收件人:Anand Satchidanandam、EThOS元數據管理者H.R.
— 主題:轉發 / 請求一份未在 EThOS列出的已知論文 / 用戶編號(FW: Request a known thesis not listed in EThOS CRM:00410015606)
內容:I have contacted our EThOS contact at LSE to check what info they
have about this thesis as we have a note on our record to say 'missing
from university'. Will get back to you asap.
— 大意:我們的記錄中備註論文「自大學遺失」,目前已通知LSE的EThOS聯繫人檢查相關信息。→彭文正於2019年10月親赴倫大總圖和IALS法學圖書館(LSE圖書館正值限制入館期間),然而尋書未果;圖書館員表示,如果曾經收到過論文,會在搜尋目錄上註明遺失,而非像蔡英文那樣,找不到任何資訊!
— 時間:(不明)
— 發文者:BL數據庫主管S.G.
— 收文者:BL法遵經理J.C.
內容:We have a record in EThOS for this thesis, but not the full file.
The record was added in June 2015, in response to a user's speculative
request for the thesis. We have a note on the EThOS record stating
"Missing from university". This means we contacted LSE when we received
the request from a user, to request a copy for digitisation – LSE would
have responded with that info. The EThOS Admin team normally verify
requests to check they are valid thesis titles, e.g. in the Library's
online catalogue. I do not know what checks were made at that time but
evidence of the PhD is here https://www.taiwan.gov.tw/images/ufile/file20160929110954688.pdf
and in LSE's response to the request. I checked with LSE in case they
had more info. Their reply is: "I'm really sorry, we can't say very much
at the moment other than this one is a bit of a saga as the thesis
appears to have gone missing soon after the award was made in 1984.
However, if the BL has no other information about the thesis then that
is what you should say. If the enquirer wants to make the FOI direct to
LSE then we can consider it although most of the requests we've had are
to do with her student record so we can't" . [Sic – this is how the
email content finishes]. We will remove the record from EThOS once we
have permission from the university.
— 大意:該論文記錄是 2015 年 6
— 時間:2019年6月27日,14:56
— 發文者:EThOS客服代表S.J.
— 收文者:LSE線上論文系統辦公室
— 主題:轉發 / 請求一份未在 EThOS列出的已知論文 / 用戶編號(FW: Request a known thesis not listed in EThOS CRM:00410015606)
內容:http://ETHOS.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uin=uk.bl.ethos.652034 We
have received several queries relating to the above thesis, including an
FOI enquiry. Sara Gould from BL has been in touch with Jo
Adams-Lingwood. Please will you let me know if you wish us to remove the
entire record from EThOS.
— 大意:我們收到了一些與此論文相關的詢問。大英圖書館數據庫業務主管Sara Gould已經與LSE圖書館員Jo Adams-Lingwood取得聯繫。如果希望我們從 EThOS刪除全部記錄,請告知。→此信直接於同日15:44被轉發給LSE的Clive Wilson!
— 時間:2019年6月28日,11:10
— 發文者:Clive Wilson→LSE圖書館的諮詢服務經理,以下簡稱「LSE諮詢經理C.W.」!
— 收文者:EThOS客服代表S.J.
— 副本收件人:LSE線上論文系統辦公室(LSE Theses Online)
— 主題:回覆 / 請求一份未在 EThOS列出的已知論文 / 用戶編號(RE: Request a known thesis not listed in EThOS CRM:00410015606)
內容:sorry, I appreciate this is a bit of a pain. In our defence, it all
seems to have gone wrong when the UL theses were repatriated – and we
never had a copy to begin with. I did think about suggesting myself that
the BL shadow the record but we are hoping to get a copy from Taiwan.
Although we are not sure what to do with it if we do. I don't know if
you know or not, but Ing-Wen Tsai is the current President of Taiwan so
some Chinese journalists are making a big deal about her thesis being
missing …Would you mind leaving it for now? If you do get any more
requests please do just send them straight over to us and we will get
back to you shortly.
大意:抱歉!我理解這頗有些為難。就我們的立場而言,當倫敦大學的論文被退回時,一切似乎都已亂套——而且我們自始就未曾持有過這本論文。我確實考慮過讓大英圖書館遮掩記錄,但是我們希望從台灣得到一份論文,雖然還不確定得到之後該如何處理它。不知你是否知曉,蔡英文是台灣現任總統,所以一些中國記者針對她的論文失踪而大做文章……您介意暫時留下EThOS的論文記錄嗎?如果您收到更多的請求,請直接發送給我們,我們將盡快回覆您。→就在此日,Clive Wilson和LSE同事討論雙贏策略,也就是接受蔡英文提供的個人版本,但是不宣稱這是真正的論文,於是上架LSE的婦女圖書館!此外,他在同日16:12的電郵中說明:早期有些碩士論文也被送進倫大總圖,而後來退回LSE的清單中僅有博士論文,因此LSE圖書館每年都會收到碩論引用者的相關詢問。
— 時間:2019年7月7日,15:14
— 發文者:(不明)
— 收文者:EThOS客服
— 主題:針對蔡英文所著的《不公平貿易與防衛機制》論文訂單(theses order for Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions. I-W Tsai, author.)
內容:Is this thesis available for order? How much will it cost? How can
one place an order? Author - personal Tsai, I-W, author. / Title Unfair
trade practices and safeguard actions. / Publication [Great Britain] :
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London),
1984. / Physical descr. 1 online resource / Added name London School of
Economics and Political Science, degree granting institution. Holdings
(All) Details / Shelfmark 652034 DSC / http://primocat.bl.uk/F?func=direct&local_base=ITEMV&doc_number=017428475&con_ln
g=eng&_ga=2.58451244.748144827.1560401320-254916689.1558930572 / …
— 大意:可以訂購嗎?費用為多少?如何下訂?論文詳細資料……(資料來源為大英圖書館)
— 時間:(不明)
— 發文者:Annette Jackson→EThOS客服!
— 收文者:(不明)
內容:Thank you for your email. This thesis ID No 652034 is not available
on EThOS and you need to contact the awarding institution – London
School of Economics for further details. Sorry we cannot help you on
this occasion.
— 大意:652034的論文識別碼無法在EThOS使用,請聯繫LSE。
— 時間:2019年7月8日,12:39
— 發文者:(不明)
— 收文者:EThOS客服
— 主題:回覆 / 針對蔡英文所著的《不公平貿易與防衛機制》論文訂單(Re: theses order for Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions. I-W Tsai, author.)
內容:Can you tell from your MARC record metadata who made the accession
to the catalog, when and from where? Why would an accession entry have
been made if no actual accompanying thesis was obtained by the British
Library ? Harvard's HOLLIS catalog also lists the thesis but says the
record is from the British Library. https://hollis.harvard.edu/primo-
— 大意:能否從MARC文件格式記錄的元數據中得知是何人、何時、何地加入了目錄?如果圖書館沒有取得任何實際的隨附論文,為何要加入其書目?哈佛大學圖書館的線上電子目錄也列出此論文,而資料來源為大英圖書館。
— 時間:2019年7月8日,16:28
— 發文者:BL數據庫主管S.G.
— 收文者:(不明)
— 副本收件人:EThOS客服、EThOS元數據管理者H.R.
— 主題:轉發 / 針對蔡英文所著的《不公平貿易與防衛機制》論文訂單(FW: theses order for Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions. I-W Tsai, author.)
內容:Thank you for your email asking about our British Library catalogue
record for the thesis EThOS ID 652034. I am replying to your email as
the overall business manager for EThOS. We hold records in our main
Library catalogue for all of the UK theses records listed in EThOS,
including both titles where a full digital copy of a thesis is available
and also where the record is 'metadata only', i.e. no full thesis is
available. This is done to increase discoverability of the EThOS data,
and as standard Library practice to list as much of our data as possible
in our main catalogue. I agree the information provided in the
catalogue may not be clear as to whether a full thesis exists, but the
records always lead to the EThOS record which we consider the 'master'
record for theses. I can confirm that records are held in the Library
catalogue (as well as in EThOS) for all theses even where we have never
held the full digital file itself.
— 大意:主圖書館的目錄中保有EThOS系統內的所有英國論文記錄,而不論是否有完整的論文可用。其目的是提高資訊能見度,雖然書目中的資訊可能讓人混淆。
— 時間:(不明)
— 發文者:(不明)→似為大英圖書館成員!信中夾雜6月10日的原始提問。
— 收文者:(不明)
內容1:in light of recent interest over President Tsai's thesis I thought I
should add: We have checked our records and both the London School of
Economics and Political Science and the University of London confirm
that Tsai Ing-Wen was awarded a PhD in Law 1984. However, all PhDs from
that period were awarded under the University of London banner and would
have been sent first to their Senate House Library. We have been in
correspondence with the University of London about the thesis and
extensive checks have been made. Unfortunately, Senate House are
presently unable to find their copy.
— 內容2:Unfortunately, the Library
doesn't hold a copy of this thesis in either print or electronic
format. However, were you to email LSE's Department of International
Relations (ir.research@lse.ac.uk), they may be help, for some departments keep a reserve of theses and other important materials.
— 大意:LSE和倫敦大學都確認蔡英文於1984年獲得法學博士學位;我們已聯絡過倫敦大學,但是校方並未找到當年應送到總圖的論文。圖書館並無該論文的紙本或數位版,不過可向LSE國際關係系詢問,因為某些系所保留了論文和其他重要材料。→2016年蔡英文當選台灣總統後,國際關係學系教授胡克禮(Christopher Hughes)曾發表賀詞!
— 時間:2019年7月9日,15:35
— 發文者:(不明)
— 收文者:(不明)→應為美國的圖書館員!
— 主題:回覆 / 美國商務部的商業研究圖書館(RE US DOC Commerce Research Library)
內容:Dear United States Department of Commerce Research Library, Do you
have an accession of: Author - personal Tsai, I-W, author. / Title
Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions. / Publication [Great
Britain] : London School of Economics and Political Science (University
of London), 1984. / Physical descr. 1 online resource…http://primocat.bl.uk/F?func=direct&local_base=ITEMV&doc_number=017428475&con_lng=eng&_ga=2.58451244.748144827.1560401320-254916689.1558930572…For
serials, the holdings data below may not be complete. If the issue you
require was published before serial holdings were individually recorded
it may still be held. The extent of the Library's holdings may be
summarised in a holdings note above. …https://hollis.harvard.edu/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=TN_ethosoai:ethos.bl.uk:652034&context=PC&vid=HVD2&lang=en_US&search_scope=everything&adaptor=primo_central_multiple_fe&tab=everything&query=any,contains,ing-wen%20tsai%20unfair%20trade%20practices&offset=0…http://primocat.bl.uk/F/?func=direct&local_base=PRIMO&doc_number=017428475&format=001&con_lng=eng&_ga=2.168618535.748144827.1560401320-254916689.1558930572
— 大意:詢問美國的圖書館是否有加入蔡英文的論文資訊,並提供大英圖書館和哈佛大學圖書館的元數據加以對照。
— 時間:2019年7月10日,12:57
— 發文者:LSE諮詢經理C.W.
— 收文者:EThOS客服代表S.J.
— 主題:回覆 / 請求一份未在 EThOS列出的已知論文 / 用戶編號(RE: Request a known thesis not listed in EThOS CRM:00410015606)
— 內容:just to confirm what I wrote to(?)–
a copy of the thesis is being catalogued right now!! We don't have
permission to digitise, we won't interlend, and in fact, as author
permission was required for quoting or reproducing in 1984 we won't be
allowing any digital copying either. I was just wondering though whether
that would still mean you keep a restricted access note on it – I don't
suppose you have an option that sounds less secretive but maybe means
the same! ☺→第三者的名字遭塗黑!最後一句加上笑臉符號!
— 大意:論文正在編目!我們沒有數位化的許可,不會館際互借,也不允許任何數位化複製。這是否仍意味著EThOS維持「限制訪問」的備註?似乎沒有聽起來不那麼神秘的其他選項!→Clive Wilson於同日13:27和LSE其他部門討論證書問題時,表示蔡英文的倫大證書顯然是假的,並在信尾加上笑臉符號!
— 時間:2019年7月10日,13:56
— 發文者:EThOS客服代表S.J.
— 收文者:LSE諮詢經理C.W.
— 副本收件人:BL數據庫主管S.G.、EThOS元數據管理者H.R.
— 主題:回覆 / 請求一份未在 EThOS列出的已知論文 / 用戶編號(RE: Request a known thesis not listed in EThOS CRM:00410015606)
內容:Great news! This should stop all the queries. We do not have any
other option on restricting a thesis on EThOS, but I have added a note
to our records to explain that the thesis will be available in your
special collections reading room. If anyone queries why it is
restricted we can pass this information on.
— 大意:好消息!這應該會讓所有的質問停止下來。我們沒有其他限制的選項,但是已在記錄中加上備註,說明此論文可在LSE特殊館藏的閱覽室中找到。→2019年7月13日,論文首度進入LSE圖書館的數位檢索系統!
— 時間:2019年7月18日
— 發文者:BL法遵經理J.C.
— 收文者:(塗黑)→Hwan C. Lin!信件上方的林環牆姓名、電郵也被塗黑!
— 主題:2000 年通過的信息自由法–請求案的編號(FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – REQUEST 1936)
內容:Thank you for your request for information, which we received on 21
June 2019. You asked us for information related to a thesis entitled
"Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard Actions". Specifically you asked:
1. How this thesis is searchable in the EThOS system if a copy does not
exist? 2. Who uploaded the information about the thesis? 3. If it is
verified that it doesn't exist can it be removed? We have considered
your request, and can confirm that we hold a record in EThOS of the
thesis but not the full file. The record was added in June 2015 by a
member of staff in response to a user's speculative request for the
thesis. We have a note on the EThOS record stating that the item is
'missing from university'. When an item is not held but a request for it
is made the EThOS Admin Team will contact the institution to request a
copy for digitisation and it is likely the institution who advised the
copy was missing which has resulted in the note being placed on the
record. The Admin Team also usually verifies requests to check they are
valid thesis titles at the time of the request, however, the Library
holds no documentary records of what checks were carried out in 2015.
For context, EThOS is a repository system designed to help institutions
meet the expectations of the UK Research Councils that PhDs supported by
a Research Council Training Grant should be made freely available in
an open access repository. There are approximately 500,000 records
relating to theses awarded by over 120 institutions. Around 260,000 of
these also provide access to the full text thesis, either via download
from the EThOS database or via links to the institution's own
repository. Of the remaining 220,000 records dating back to at least
1800, three quarters are available to be ordered for scanning through
the EThOS digitisation-on-demand facility. The EThOS Admin Team have
contacted the awarding institution, the London School of Economics
(LSE), again who were unable to provide any further guidance but have
advised you can contact them directly in relation to their records. Any
request regarding the award itself or details as to the awarding
institution's record would be more appropriately directed to LSE. In
respect of your request to having the thesis entry removed from the
EThOS database this would not fall under the scope of Freedom of
Information law. However, the EThOS Admin team have confirmed that it
will be removed once they have received permission from the university
to do so. If you are unhappy with our response to your request and wish
to make a complaint or request a review of our decision, you should
write to: The Chief Executive / The British Library……Please note,
complaints and requests for internal review received more than two
months after the initial decision will not be handled. If you are not
content with the outcome of the internal review, you may appeal directly
to the Information Commissioner at the address given below. You should
do this within two months of our final decision. There is no charge for
making an appeal. Further information on the Freedom of Information Act
2000 is available from the Information Commissioner's Office:……
Keatin於2022年做出虛假陳述:這篇論文於2015年由LSE發表,並且被收錄在Ethos中(LSE published the
thesis in 2015, and a copy was ingested into
— 時間:2019年8月6日,14:10
— 發文者:BL法遵經理J.C.
— 收文者:BL數據庫主管S.G.
— 主題:EThOS信息自由(EthOS FOI)
— 內容:Please could you provide some information which would allow me to answer the following FOI: https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?did=1&uin=uk.bl.ethos.652034
There, you can see that this thesis is placed on Restricted Access.
This is bizarre because the thesis was allegedly presented to the
University of London libraries in 1984 and is already 35 years old.
Please explain why it has been put on restricted access for so long. In
fact, I can download or request copies of other LSE PhD theses of the
same age on your eThOS. Why is the PhD thesis authored by Ing-Wen Tsai
so unusual? From my understanding, PhD authors can request restricted
access in exceptional situations, but only for two years at most."
— 大意:有用戶反映,博士論文在特殊情況下可限制訪問,時間最多為兩年,然而這篇據稱是1984年提交的論文仍處於限制狀態,請解釋此一奇特現象。
— 時間:(不明)
— 發文者:BL數據庫主管S.G.
— 收文者:BL法遵經理J.C.
內容:The label of Restricted access is used by EThOS for a range of
reasons, e.g. if the university has declined to digitise because of
third party copyright or author permissions, or if the thesis itself is
restricted in some way at the university itself. This is the instruction
we received from LSE for this thesis, and as you know we always follow
the advice of our participating institutions when managing the thesis
data in EThOS. I believe LSE now hold a facsimile copy of the thesis. As
the EThOS information indicates, users of EThOS are advised to approach
the library of the university for further information.
— 大意:EThOS 使用「限制訪問」標籤的原因不一,例如大學未取得此論文的數位化許可,或是論文本身在大學受到某種限制。我們始終遵循參與合作的機構建議。目前LSE持有該論文的傳真版,建議用戶前往學校圖書館獲取更多信息。
— 時間:2019年8月14日
— 發文者:BL法遵經理J.C.
— 收文者:(不明)
— 主題:2000 年通過的信息自由法–請求案的編號(FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – REQUEST 1941)
內容:Thank you for your request for information, which we received on 19
July 2019. You asked us to explain why a particular thesis, found at https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?did=1&uin=uk.bl.ethos.652034,
would be placed on restricted access for such a long a period of time.
We have considered your request, and can confirm that the label of
restricted access is used by EThOS for a range of reasons, e.g. if the
university has declined to digitise because of third party copyright or
author permissions, or if the thesis itself is restricted in some way at
the university itself. This is the instruction we received from LSE for
this thesis, and the Library will always follow the advice of our
participating institutions when managing the thesis data in EThOS. We
believe LSE now holds a facsimile copy of thesis and in line with the
information provided on the EThOS website users should contact the
awarding university directly for further information on why they have
chosen to restrict items or how to access their copy. If you are unhappy
with our response to your request and wish to make a complaint or
request a review of our decision, you should write to: The Chief
Executive / The British Library……Please note, complaints and requests
for internal review received more than two months after the initial
decision will not be handled. If you are not content with the outcome of
the internal review, you may appeal directly to the Information
Commissioner at the address given below. You should do this within two
months of our final decision. There is no charge for making an appeal.
Further information on the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is available
from the Information Commissioner's Office:……
— 大意:針對用戶於7月19日反映蔡英文的論文被限制訪問,主要回覆內容與電郵V大致相同,並提供對方繼續投訴的管道:大英圖書館CEO、以及ICO。
— 時間:2019年9月25日,09:39
— 發文者:LSE諮詢經理C.W.
— 收文者:EThOS客服代表S.J.
— 副本收件人:BL數據庫主管S.G.、EThOS元數據管理者H.R.
— 主題:回覆 / 請求一份未在 EThOS列出的已知論文 / 用戶編號(RE: Request a known thesis not listed in EThOS CRM:00410015606)
內容:controversy over the thesis is still rumbling on in Taiwan and
President Tsai has decided to make her thesis available online through
Taiwan's National Library. I have asked if that means we can also make a
copy available but a colleague posted me the following: http://primocat.bl.uk/F?func=direct&local_base=ITEMV&doc_number=017428475&con_lng=eng As it shows a DSC number, is it possible that you do have an original copy?
— 大意:蔡英文總統決定由台灣國家圖書館在線上公開論文,這是否意味我們能提供一個可用的版本?但同事提醒我大英圖書館的資料中已有DSC編號(Shelfmark: 652034 DSC)。請問您是否可能有原版?
— 時間: 2019年9月25日,10:45
— 發文者:EThOS元數據管理者H.R.
— 收文者:LSE諮詢經理C.W.、EThOS客服代表S.J.
— 副本收件人:BL數據庫主管S.G.
— 主題:回覆 / 請求一份未在 EThOS列出的已知論文 / 用戶編號(RE: Request a known thesis not listed in EThOS CRM:00410015606)
內容:No, we don't hold a copy. The 'DSC' shelfmark is the EThOS ID. I
know this looks confusing – it goes back to the days when DSC had a
thesis microfilm service – but we never made a microfilm copy of this
thesis. Please do let us know if you make the digital copy available on
your repository; our daily stats show there has been a great deal of
traffic to this page on EThOS over the last week or so.
— 大意:我們沒有論文。DSC架位號就是EThOS識別碼,源自於提供微縮膠卷的時代,但我們從未替這篇論文製作過。如果您的數據庫中有可供使用的數位版,請告知。在過去一周左右的時間裡,搜尋量很大。
— 時間:2019年9月25日,10:52
— 發文者:LSE諮詢經理C.W.
— 收文者:EThOS元數據管理者H.R.、EThOS客服代表S.J.
— 副本收件人:BL數據庫主管S.G.
— 主題:回覆 / 請求一份未在 EThOS列出的已知論文 / 用戶編號(RE: Request a known thesis not listed in EThOS CRM:00410015606)
內容:I figured if you had it we would have found it four years ago when
we first looked, but thought I'd better check again – many thanks for
such a quick reply. The President's office has promised us a digital
copy so fingers crossed!!
— 大意:如果您們持有論文,我們四年前首次查找時應該會發現它,但我最好再檢查一下。總統府答應給我們一份數位版,所以祈禱吧!→LSE於2019年10月7日取得論文電子版, EThOS的記錄則是在11月20日被更新,並根據LSE數據庫的資料而將日期從1984年改成1983年!
※ 以下資料省略!請見 https://richardsonreport.com/b-l-agency-records/ 之檔案1、2、4、7,並可參看《理查森報告》2023年8月8、15日的文章,或是本部落格的相關摘要簡述。