※ 2020年3月,檢察官黃偉同意蔡英文一造的調查聲請,轉請外交部透過駐英代表處向LSE檔案中心確認她在2019年9月3日向此中心申請取得的影本文件!以下之原始資料請見 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5dDtvBI9i4、https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=revEaWJk1iY、https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-xhKCNMivs,中譯謹供參考,並請留意此處的資料可能並不完整!
— 時間:2020年6月18日,09:24
— 發文者:陳詩婷→法務部調查局駐英聯絡官,以下簡稱「陳」!
— 收文者:Sue Donnelly→LSE檔案管理員!
— 主題:台灣外館的請託(Request from Taiwan Embassy)
內容:My name is Kristen Chen and I'm the liaison officer from the
Ministry of Justice in Taiwan. I've been stationed at the Taipei
Representative Office in the UK (Taiwan Embassy). Our staff in the
Education Division gave me your email address. We would like to make a
request in relation to the authenticity of some documents issued by LSE
years ago. Would it be at all possible that we could visit you and
present the documents to you in person? We are not familiar with LSE's
policy regarding Covid-19; however, we are happy to follow any
guidelines and the social distancing measures. I thank you in advance
for your assistance and feedback in this matter and look forward to
hearing from you soon.(我的名字是Kristen
— 時間:2020年6月22日,19:19
— 發文者:Kevin J. Haynes→LSE法律團隊負責人,以下簡稱「海恩斯」!
— 收文者:陳
— 主題:回覆 / 台灣外館的請託(RE: Request from Taiwan Embassy)
內容:Thank you for your email of 18 June 2020, to which my colleagues
have asked I respond. We will endeavour to help you where we are able
and consider it appropriate to do so, but our immediate problem is that
the LSE campus remains closed and areas of the administration relevant
to your request are unlikely to return to work for a number of weeks,
possibly months. Conld you please provide us with description, or
ideally scanned copies, of the documents you are seeking to authenticate
to enable us to work-out what assistance we are able and prepared to
— 時間:2020年6月24日,11:24
— 發文者:陳
— 收文者:海恩斯
— 副本收件人:李彥儀→駐英代表處教育組組長,以下簡稱「李」!
— 主題:回覆 / 台灣外館的請託(RE: Request from Taiwan Embassy)
內容:Thank you for your email and your assistance during this unusual
period. We hope you and your loved ones are all keeping safe. The
documents we are seeking to authenticate are copies of certificates and
letters provided by President Ing-Wen Tsai, LSE's alumni, in relation to
her PhD degree. There are 13 documents in total, which I have attached
for your reference. A page index (from 01 to 22) was printed on the
bottom right of each document for easy reference. I also listed them in
the following
Doc-01: President Tsai's PhD Certificate dated 14 March 1984 and a Certificate reissued on 22 September 2015. (page 01-02) →倫敦大學1984年3月14日頒發的證書和2015年9月22日的補發證書!其實蔡英文的律師並未主動聲請2010、2015的補發證書勘驗,而要求認證的1984版是夾在1987年學歷認證的往來函件之中,當年倫大曾轉交給LSE!
Doc-02: Student Record (page 03) →LSE學生記錄表,其中的碩、博士學程混雜,多處刪改,未明確指出授予何種學位!
Doc-03: Letter from the Free Chinese Centre (page 04-06) →1987年考選部、教育部轉請駐英自由中國中心函詢的資料,其中附有1984證書影本,而倫敦大學的回信存在不同版本!
Doc-04: Letter from Professor Ralf Dahrendorf (page 07) →1984年2月LSE院長未簽名的恭賀信!
Doc-05: Letter from the Academic Registrar (page 08) →1984年2月的倫敦大學學位授予通知書,存在不同版本!
Doc-06: Letter from Dr I L Stephenson dated 23 Jan 1984 (page 09) →1984年1月無經辦者簽名的非正式口試通過證明!
Doc-07: Letter from Dr I L Stephenson dated 10 Jun 1983 (page 10) →1983年6月說明10月將進行口試、但無經辦者簽名的非正式通知書!
Doc-08: Letter from Dr I L Stephenson dated 19 Jan 1983 (page 11) →1983年1月確認最終博士論文題目的通知書!
Doc-09: Letter from Dr I L Stephenson dated 22 Nov 1982 (page 12) →1982年11月准許寫論文免註冊、但無經辦者簽名的非正式通知書!
Doc-10: Letter from Dr I L Stephenson dated 11 Feb 1982 (page 13) →1982年2月核准晉升博士生、但無經辦者簽名的通知書!
Doc-11: President Tsai's PhD research plan (page 14-17) →1981年3月的研究計畫,僅驗證其中的頁1-2和33-34!
Doc-12: President Tsai's first draft of PhD thesis (page 18-21) →1981年7月的論文第一、二章初稿,僅驗證其中的頁1和31-32!
Doc-13: Letter from the Graduate School (page 22) →1980年9月核發學生簽證的非正式通知書!
understand this may be quite challenging for you, given that most of
these documents dated back to 1980s. We thank you in advance for your
assistance and feedback in this important matter. In light of the
sensitivity of these documents, we have set a password (dZ5pu3GX) for
these pdf files. As you might already know, President Tsai's PhD degree
had captured media attention in Taiwan, therefore we think it would be
best that we handle this request with discreet. We understand this may
cause you a bit extra work when opening the files, and we apologize for
any inconvenience caused. Should you have any questions please feel free
to contact
— 時間:2020年6月24日,12:00
— 發文者:陳
— 收文者、副本收件人:海恩斯、李
— 主題:回覆 / 台灣外館的請託(RE: Request from Taiwan Embassy)
內容:Just want to add another question to my previous email. Regarding
Doc-01 (President Tsai's PhD Certificate dated 14 March 1984 and a
Certificate reissued on 22 September 2015), could you please confirm
that President Tsai did submit her application for her student files to
LSE Archives on 3rd September 2019, and your Archives reissued the files
— 時間:2020年7月7日,09:42
— 發文者:陳
— 收文者、副本收件人:海恩斯、李
— 主題:回覆 / 台灣外館的請託(RE: Request from Taiwan Embassy)
內容:I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on our
request regarding President Tsai's PhD degree. Could you please give us
an update?(收信愉快!我寫這封信,是想跟進我們有關蔡總統博士學位的請託。您能提供我們更新的資訊嗎?)
— 時間:2020年7月7日,12:43
— 發文者:海恩斯
— 收文者、副本收件人:陳、李
— 主題:回覆 / 台灣外館的請託(RE: Request from Taiwan Embassy)
內容:Thank you for your email. I apologise for the silence on this
matter, but I must confess to only recently having turned my attention
to it. I have contacted a number of colleagues to try to find out
whether we might have copies of the information you have kindly
provided, or indeed any other way of verifying it. I suspect the
University of London is best placed to verify Docs 1, 3 & 5, but we
will at least try to provide you with a contact name if this is the
case. I will provide you with an update as soon as I am able to do
— 時間:2020年7月7日,14:17
— 發文者:李
— 收文者、副本收件人:海恩斯、陳
— 主題:回覆 / 台灣外館的請託(RE: Request from Taiwan Embassy)
內容:I would like to recommend you to contact with LSE's institutional
archive, Sue Donnelly. Some of these documents delivered by this
department.(我想建議您與LSE機構檔案處的Sue Donnelly聯繫。部分文件是由這個部門交付的。)→主動提示之舉被懷疑是特意下指導棋,迴避倫敦大學的勘驗!
— 時間:2020年7月23日,15:57
— 發文者:陳
— 收文者、副本收件人:海恩斯、李
— 主題:回覆 / 台灣外館的請託(RE: Request from Taiwan Embassy)
內容:I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to check if you have
received any response from your archivist, Ms Sue Donnelly, regarding
the verification of President Tsai's PhD
— 時間:2020年7月23日,16:32
— 發文者:海恩斯
— 收文者、副本收件人:陳、李
— 主題:回覆 / 台灣外館的請託(RE: Request from Taiwan Embassy)
內容:I am sorry for the delay in responding to you. We have produced the
attached list of the documents that we are able to verify as authentic.
The page numbers listed are those of President Tsai's scanned student
file. You will see that the only document that we have been unable to
verify is Doc. 1, which we believe came from the University of London's
Transcript Office. Please let us know if you need anything further from
— 附檔:TsaiDocuments xlsx (17k) 、PhD Documents.zip (6357k) →前者詳下,後者的內容不明!
Doc-01(Document Number,編號):(Source,出處)未填 / (Page references〔scanned file page number〕,掃描文件頁碼)未填 / (Notes,備註)倫敦大學成績室→transcripts誤寫成transcipts!證書至今沒有經過倫敦大學的驗證!
Doc-02: (出處:LSE學生檔案)LSE student file / (掃描文件頁碼)p4
Doc-03: LSE student file / p42-43→1987年9月駐英自由中國中心與倫敦大學有關學位認證的往來函件,內有教育部提供的1984年學位證書影本!值得注意的是,台灣方面此時出示的資料有3頁,而當年獲得P
C Kennedy轉發信件的LSE僅保有其中兩頁,似乎缺乏說明蔡英文的「博士學位是在經過研究學程和提交論文題目後授予的」那封回函!
Doc-04: LSE student file / p68
Doc-05: LSE student file / p69→1984年2月的倫敦大學學位授予通知書,其中有一版本並無經辦者G F Roberts的簽名,無法律效力!
Doc-06: LSE student file / p70
Doc-07: LSE student file / p89
Doc-08: LSE student file / p95
Doc-09: LSE student file / p101
Doc-10: LSE student file / p120
Doc-11: LSE student file / p202-203 & 236-237
Doc-12: LSE student file / p238-239 & 269-270
Doc-13: LSE student file / p169→在蔡英文278頁的學生檔案中,編碼順序正好與時序相反(請參考電郵B),顯示這些資料是在特定一個時間點整理出來的!此外,前86頁屬於開放性資料(open
bundle),後面則是封閉性資料(closed bundle),而1983年6月之前的文件(不包括學籍卡)都屬於後者!
※ 海恩斯與駐外人員之間,至少還有兩份電郵並未在此列出!而李彥儀在2020年7月28日的公文中雖指出LSE並無倫敦大學的學位證書,但主動提及Doc-03的page 05就是1984年的學位證書,核對無誤——不過,LSE這份資料的原始出處就是蔡英文!至於倫敦大學的驗證,仍在持續接洽中。
※ 自2020年7月8日起,駐英代表處數度向倫敦大學提出文件認證的請求。以下之原始資料請見 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb1_AewtE_w,中譯謹供參考,並請留意此處的資料並不完整!
— 時間:2020年7月8日,09:57
— 發文者:李
— 收文者:Binda Rai→倫敦大學傳播總監,以下簡稱「倫大傳播總監B.R.」!
— 主題:請求認證證書與信件的影本——來自教育部(Request to authenticate copies of certificates and letters -- from Education Division)
內容:I hope this email find you well and keeping safe. There are some
documents needed to authenticate copies of certificates and letters
provided by President Ing-Wen Tsai, in relation to her PhD degree. We
need to confirm the documents provided in the attachment are in
conformity with the originals in your archives or files. In light of the
sensitivity of these documents, we have set a password (dZ5pu3GX) for
these pdf files. This may cause you a bit extra work when opening the
files and I apologise for any inconvenience
Doc-01: President Tsai's PhD Certificate dated 14 March 1984 and a Certificate re-issued on 22 September 2015→倫敦大學1984年3月14日頒發的證書和2015年9月22日的補發證書!
Doc-03: Letter from the Free Chinese Centre→1987年9月的駐英自由中國中心與倫敦大學有關學位認證的往來函件,其中包含1984年學位證書的影本!
Doc-05: Letter from the Academic Registrar→1984年2月的倫敦大學學位授予通知書,存在不同版本!
I am looking forward to hearing from you.(期待能聽到您的回音。)
— 時間:2020年7月22日,14:07
— 發文者:李
— 收文者:倫大傳播總監B.R.
— 主題:請求認證證書與信件的影本——來自教育部(Request to authenticate copies of certificates and letters -- from Education Division)
內容:I hope you received my e-mail two weeks ago. I realise this must be a
very busy time and that the situation concerning President Tsai's
degree certificate is proving to be very complicated, but my colleagues
in Taiwan have asked for an update regarding our enquiry. Would you be
able to provide a rough estimate as to when you might be in a position
to reply? Thank you very much in
— 時間:2020年7月28日,14:30
— 發文者:李
— 收文者:Craig O'Callaghan→倫敦大學營運長!
— 副本收件人:倫大傳播總監B.R.
— 主題:轉發 / 請求認證證書與信件的影本——來自教育部(FW: Request to authenticate copies of certificates and letters -- from Education Division)
內容:I hope you have been keeping safe and well over the past few highly
unusual months. With regard to the attached scanned copy of the
certification issued to President Tsai in September 2015, are you able
to confirm whether the document is also held in the Transcripts Office
archives? I have been asked by colleagues in Taiwan to clarify this
point. In light of the sensitivity of these documents, we have set a
password (dZ5pu3GX) for these pdf files. I am, as always, very grateful
for your help and look forward to receiving your
— 附檔:Doc-01.pdf(379k)
— 時間:2020年7月29日,12:13
— 發文者:Jackson Mbilinyi→倫敦大學成績室主任!
— 收文者:李→於14:32將此信轉發給陳!
— 主題:回覆 / 請求認證證書與信件的影本——來自教育部(RE: Request to authenticate copies of certificates and letters -- from Education Division)
內容:Thank you for your email to the University of London. Your email has
been forwarded to me for a response as Head of Transcripts and Student
Records. By way of an introduction, I am responsible for coordinating
and managing the workload of the Transcripts Office. I take overall
responsibility for the design, format and production of Transcripts,
confirmation of awards and other appropriate certification for the
candidates of the federal
University and the University of London Worldwide. In reply to your
enquiry I can confirm as follows: Due to the UK General Data Protection
Regulation we cannot comment without the consent of the individual
concerned. If a client or third party wishes to verify a degree or any
award presented by a graduate, we would require the consent /
authorisation of the individual in order for us to do so. This is in
line with the requirements of the service provided by the Transcripts
Office, University of London.
※ 2020年8月,法官卓育璇收下彭文正一造函詢倫敦大學的聲請;9月發出公函後,外交部卻要求依據「國際刑事司法互助法」處理,而且直到對造亦向LSE提出申請才合併處理!以下之原始資料請見 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4hux2rRTl0、https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iygKROSBho、
— 聲請者:彭文正
— 事由:請向倫敦大學函詢(請外交部轉):本院受理妨害名譽之自訴案件,自訴人提出如附件所示之事項聲請向貴校函詢,煩請貴校函覆,謝謝!
— 內容→彭文正以英文提問,此處中譯謹供參考!
1. We understand that no PhD should be awarded without the final thesis
being deposited in the designated library. Please confirm this is the
position now and was the position at the time Ms. Tsai Ing-wen attended
LSE.(我們理解的是,如果最終的論文沒有被交存於指定的圖書館,則不應授予博士學位。請確認這是現在、以及蔡英文就學於LSE 那時的狀況。)
Prior to 2008, did the UoL award any PhD degrees to external students?
Did Ms. Tsai Ing-wen register as an external student with UoL at any
time? Is the PhD issued to LSE internal students the same as the UoL
external students?(在 2008 年之前,倫敦大學是否向外部學生授予任何博士學位?蔡英文是否曾在倫敦大學註冊為外部學生?授予LSE內部學生的博士學位和授予倫敦大學外部學生的博士學位是相同的嗎?)
We found that Ms. Tsai Ing-wen's "thesis" had in fact been submitted in
2011 and the metadata was created in 2015. It was not a record of the
original thesis having been submitted and filed. In fact, of the list of
students obtaining doctorates in 1984, the only one whose thesis was
not available in Senate House Library and IALS in 1984 was Tsai Ing-wen.
Please provide a copy of the relevant Senate House Library Record and
the listing referred
The student record states "degree awarded 1984" but does not state what
degree, nor does it refer to the thesis or viva procedure at all.
Please would the University of London provide the following
information(學籍卡上指出「1984 年授予學位」,卻沒有說明是何種學位,也全然未提論文或口試的過程。請倫敦大學提供以下訊息):
Prior to 2008, did UoL request PhD students in the law department to
submit an examined thesis to the Senate House Library, the library at
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies ("IALS") or on the Ethos Index.(在
Do you have any record of the process of Ms. Tsai Ing-wen's thesis
being approved, the viva, and the details of the examiners? If so,
please provide copies.(是否有蔡英文論文被批准的程序,以及口試和考官詳細資料的任何記錄?如果有,請提供影本。)
4.3. Do you have any record of the award of the doctorate? If so, please provide copies.(是否有任何授予博士學位的記錄?如果有,請提供影本。)
Do you have any record of the original thesis being submitted to the
library? If so, please provide
5. Prior to 2008, did UoL award a PhD without the requirements of an examined thesis?(在 2008 年之前,倫敦大學是否在沒有要求審查論文的情況下授予博士學位?)
Does the UoL maintain student records, including the Viva examiner's
Joint Report, for students who studied at the LSE prior to 1993? Please
confirm whether or not you would expect to have a record of a student's
viva and a record that the student's final thesis had been submitted and
provided to the designated library? Was a letter sent to Ms. Tsai
Ing-wen confirming that she had passed her viva by UoL and if so, please
provide a copy. Please also provide records that confirm that Ms. Tsai
Ing-wen submitted her final thesis in
Ms. Tsai's student record (attached) contains no confirmation of Tsai
being readmitted to the University. However, there is a reference to Ms.
Tsai Ing-wen being awarded her PhD on the 1983-4 academic year. Was Ms.
Tsai Ing-wen awarded a PhD degree by the UoL? If so, on what date?
Please confirm this is a genuine copy of the original student
Does the University of London have any information about the reason why
the thesis is not available in any of the
9. We note that
Ms. Tsai Ing-wen appears to have been issued with more than one
"replacement" diploma certificate, and to still be in possession of an
original-see documents attached. Please
9.1. Please
advise whether UoL has ever issued replacement diploma certificates to
Ms. Tsai Ing-wen? If yes, how many times? Are you in possession of the
appropriate documentation required before any certificate is issued e.g.
any application form for a replacement certificate?
Why these two certificates which bear the signatures of Chancellors who
were serving at various times after 1984, are not stated to be
replacement certificates on the face of the
9.3. Are
these certificates in fact properly issued replacement certificates in
accordance with the procedure set out in the document entitled
"application for a Replacement degree certificate" on your
※ 彭文正的對造張惇涵原本反對向英國校方求證,但在2020年11月間也決定請求LSE認證相關文件,於是合併處理!以下之原始資料請見https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5dDtvBI9i4、https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=revEaWJk1iY
— 時間:2020年11月23日,14:58
— 發文者:李
— 收文者:Jackson Mbilinyi、海恩斯→倫敦大學成績室主任沒有回應!
— 副本收件人:Canny(liao)、陳→前者似為廖姓外交部人員,以下簡稱「廖」!
主題:關於蔡總統的博士資格——來自駐英台北代表處(Regarding the case of President Tsai's PhD
qualification--From T aipei Representative Office in the UK)
— 內容:I
hope you have been keeping well. I have been contacted by the Taiwanese
judiciary institution, which is carrying out investigations into the
case of President Tsai's PhD qualification and thesis submission, and
been asked to obtain answers to ten questions, as listed below. I
realise we have covered some of this ground before and am sorry to
trouble you, but we would be extremely grateful if you to provide as
much detail as possible and include any supporting documents that may be
What were the minimum registration requirements for a person enrolling
in the University of London's Ph.D. programme between 1980 and
2. Was Ms Tsai Ing-wen
registered as a student at the University of London/LSE when she
submitted her Ph.D. thesis? If so, what was the nature of her
registration status?(蔡英文女士提交博士論文時,是否在倫敦大學 / LSE註冊為學生?如果是這樣,她的註冊狀態是何種性質?)
Did Ms Tsai Ing-wen transfer to a Ph.D. programme from an MPhil
programme? If so, what would that conversion process have
4. What records does
the LSE hold with regards to tuition fees paid and financial
arrangements for Ms Tsai Ing-wen during the 1982-1983 and 1983-1984
academic years?(在1982-1983和1983-1984學年度,LSE關於蔡英文女士繳交學費和財務安排有哪些記錄?)
What are the names of the external examiners who evaluated Ms Tsai
Ing-wen's thesis? Which institutions were they working for when they
examined Ms. Tsai Ing-wen's
6. What is the thesis number for Ms Tsai Ing-wen's 1983/1984 doctoral thesis?(蔡英文女士1983/1984博士論文的論文編號是什麼?)
Please provide details of Ms Tsai Ing-wen's graduation ceremony. On
which date did it take place? Did she graduate in absentia or was she
present at the ceremony? Are any records of that graduation ceremony
Dose the LSE hold any records related to an incident in 2011 where
someone attempted to submit a copy of Tsai's thesis to libraries at the
LSE and University of
9. Please provide Ms Tsai Ing-wen's UoL/LSE student transcript.(請提供蔡英文女士的倫敦大學 / LSE學生成績單。)
Please advise whether UoL has ever issued a replacement diploma to Ms
Tsai Ing-wen? If yes, how many replacement diplomas have been issued?
Are you in possession of the necessary documents required for reissuing
diplomas e.g. any application forms and
look forward to receiving a response at your earliest convenience. As
ever, thank you very much indeed for your
— 時間:2020年11月25日,09:51
— 發文者:海恩斯
— 收文者:李
— 副本收件人:Jackson Mbilinyi、廖、陳
主題:回覆 / 關於蔡總統的博士資格——來自駐英台北代表處(Re: Regarding the case of President
Tsai's PhD qualification--From T aipei Representative Office in the UK)
— 內容:This is a short note to acknowledge receipt of your email. We will begin work on it next week.(這是收到您的電郵之簡短說明。我們將在下週開始作業。)
— 時間:2020年12月16日,14:21
— 發文者:陳
— 收文者:海恩斯
— 副本收件人:;李、廖
主題:回覆 / 關於蔡總統的博士資格——來自駐英台北代表處(Re: Regarding the case of President
Tsai's PhD qualification--From Taipei Representative Office UK)
內容:I hope this email finds you well. In relation to the case of
President Tsai's PhD qualification, the Taiwanese judiciary institution
has raised another question which we hope you could help clarify. Please
find attached a copy of the diploma reissued to President Tsai in 2010.
It bore the signature of the then Vice-Chancellor Sir Graeme John
Davies. Could you please confirm if it is consistent with the archive
retained at LSE? We know you are busy, and we are sorry to burden you
again with this request. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from
— 時間:2020年12月16日,19:17
— 發文者:海恩斯
— 收文者:陳
— 副本收件人:李、廖
主題:回覆 / 關於蔡總統的博士資格——來自駐英台北代表處(Re: Regarding the case of President
Tsai's PhD qualification--From Taipei Representative Office UK)
— 內容:Thank you for your message of 16 December 2020. Earlier this month, I had compiled some responses and gathered some information with a view to responding to a number of the questions that Dr Lee presented to us in her email of 23 November 2020. While my work is not complete, I did raise the question within our School whether it would be in your and our mutual interests if we were to disclose a copy of President Tsai's student file to you. Suggested this move because there is a lot of information in a file of 278 pages, which collectively presents a useful audit trail of her registration at LSE, which lasted from October 1980 until November 1982. As well as enabling me to direct you to evidence (albeit copies of printed, and in some cases handwritten, messages) in response to some of Dr Lee's questions, it is likely to save you time in (?-ing) additional questions of us in future, though we will of course try to help where we can. If nothing else, it is difficult to deny her registration at LSE. However if you would like us to disclose President Tsai's student file to you, we would need to see (?-ten) permission from her that confirms she is content for us to do so. I am sure you will know that it need written permission because most of the information in her file, which includes some comments on her academic ability and difficult financial circumstances, qualifies as her personal data under the Data Protection Act 2018. If you would rather not seek President Tsai's written permission, or see no reason for you to see the whole file, I am happy to answer what questions I can answer in Dr Lee's email of 23 November 2020. I will wait to hear from you. Think it best if you ask Senate House to answer your question in your email of 16 December 2020. I have checked President Tsai's file, but found a copy of what I believe was her original certificate that was issued to her in March 1984 and signed by the then Vice Chancellor, Sir Randolph Quirk. I believe Senate House issued these certificates. Our School closes after this coming Friday until Monday, 4 January 2020(2021!). You can call me on 07952…568
if you would like to discuss anything. (感謝您在
House頒發了這些證書。學校會在本週五之後關閉,直到2020年1月4日星期一。如果你想討論任何事情,可以打電話給我:07952 …568)→2020為筆誤!若干文字不詳,推測的部分已特別標色!此時找出來的1984年證書存檔(p42-43)應是台灣在1987年查證時提供的附件!
— 時間:2020年12月17日,14:29
— 發文者:陳
— 收文者:海恩斯
— 副本收件人:;李、廖
主題:回覆 / 關於蔡總統的博士資格——來自駐英台北代表處(Re: Regarding the case of President
Tsai's PhD qualification--From Taipei Representative Office UK)
內容:Thank you for dedicating your time and effort to help us sort things
out. I would be very appreciated if you could share with us the
information you have already researched at your earliest convenience.
Thank you also for your suggestion about the disclosure of President
Tsai's student file to us. It is indeed a practical solution as I feel
terribly sorry every time we put this burden on you. I will forward your
advice and concerns regarding data protection to the relevant judicial
authority in Taiwan. They will consider whether it serves our mutual
interest to seek President Tsai's permission. I shall get back to you
once a decision has been made. (?) could you please clarify that if President Tsai consents to give us the permission, LSE would then disclose (?-tire) 278 pages student file to us? (?) the question in my email dated 16 December 2020, thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I will (?-ct)
the UoL for the
— 時間:2020年12月18日,12:38
— 發文者:海恩斯
— 收文者:陳
— 副本收件人:李、廖
內容:Thank you for your message of 17 December 2020. We will disclose as
much of President Tsai's student file as we can if we have her consent
to do so. We will check the file to assess whether we need to make any
redactions in accordance with data protection legislation, but I doubt
this process would involve us withholding much, if any, information if
President Tsai had permitted disclosure. Nearly all of the identifiable
third parties had been acting in the course of their employment. I have
presented below some responses to Dr Lee's questions of 23 November
What were the minimum registration requirements for a person enrolling
in the University of London's Ph.D. programme between 1980 and 1985?
the sections sub-headed 'General regulations and qualifications for
admission' in the relevant pages of our attached MPhil and PhD
regulations, which were printed in our School Calendars for 1980/81,
1981/82 & 1982/83. President Tsai's registration ran from October
1980 to November 1983(1982!)).(1980-1985年間在倫敦大學攻讀博士學位者的最低註冊要求是什麼?→答:在我們學校1980/81、1981/82 和 1982 /83所印的行事曆中,附有碩士和博士修業規定的相關頁面,請參閱小標題為「一般規定和入學資格」的部分。蔡總統的註冊時間是從1980年10月到1983年11 月。)→關於蔡英文的註冊時間,LSE在2011年的內部調查為「from
October 1980 until June 1982」,海恩斯在2020年12月16日則寫成「from October 1980
until November 1982」,兩日後更是筆誤為November 1983!附件中缺乏蔡英文口試、畢業的1983/84學年度相關資料!
Was Ms Tsai Ing-wen registered as a student at the University of
London/LSE when she submitted her Ph.D. thesis? If so, what was the
nature of her registration status?
→It appears not from her student file. She ended her registration in November 1983(1982!), due to a lack of funds. However, she completed her thesis with advice from her Supervisor, Professor(Lecturer!) Michael John Elliot(Elliott!)(MJE),
during the 1983. She submitted her thesis in June 1983; sat her viva in
October 1983; and received notification of her award in February 1984.
(p70) We understand it was not uncommon at the time of President Tsai's
period of study for PhD candidates in UK universities to complete their
thesis independently, and be permitted to enter for
examination.(蔡英文女士提交博士論文時,是否在倫敦大學 / LSE註冊為學生?如果是這樣,她的註冊狀態是何種性質?→答:相關資訊似乎不是出自她的學生檔案。由於缺乏資金,她在1983年11月結束註冊。可是,她在指導老師Michael
Elliot〔MJE〕的建議下,於1983年間完成了她的論文。她在1983年6月提交其論文,1983年10月進行博士論文口試,並於1984年2月收到她的學位授予通知書〔頁70〕。根據我們的了解,在蔡總統的那段時間,有不少人在英國的大學修博士是獨立完成論文並獲准參加考試的。)→學籍卡上寫的是「10/11/82 WD from course—financial difficulties」,不是1983年11月!MJE為Michael John Elliott的縮寫,此處漏寫一個t字,而且此人僅為講師,並非教授!此外,獨立調查團體UK Watchdog詢問了英國數所著名大學在1980年代的情況,確認並無類似蔡英文未註冊而能考試畢業的特例!
Did Ms Tsai Ing-wen transfer to a Ph.D. programme from an MPhil
programme? If so, what would that conversion process have entailed?
appears from correspondence in her student file that MJE recommended
President Tsai be upgraded from MPhil to PhD on 9 February 1982, and
that on 11 February 1982, the Graduate School Secretary, Dr Ian
Stephenson, confirmed to MJE that the Graduate School Committee had
confirmed his recommendation. The typed note also confirmed that her
registration as a PhD candidate would be back-dated to October 1980, and
that the minimum period of registration for a FT or PT PhD student was
two academic years. (pp120-121)(蔡英文女士是否從碩士學程轉讀博士學程?如果是這樣,轉換過程會需要些什麼?→答:從她學生檔案中的通信函件看來,似乎是Michael
John Elliot於1982年2月9日推薦蔡總統從碩士升到博士學程,而研究生院秘書Ian
What records does the LSE hold with regards to tuition fees paid and
financial arrangements for Ms Tsai Ing-wen during the 1982-1983 and
1983-1984 academic years?
Tsai's student file contains a number of hard copy receipts for fee
payments, as well as numerous pieces of correspondence on bursaries and
loans. (pp 5-9, pp52-53, p62, p104, p110, p123 & p126, pp144-147).
What are the names of the external examiners who evaluated Ms Tsai
Ing-wen's thesis? Which institutions were they working for when they
examined Ms. Tsai Ing-wen's thesis?
appears from her student file that MJE and Professor Leonard H Leigh
examined President Tsai's thesis In October 1983
(pp74-75).(評估蔡英文女士論文的外部考官名字是什麼?在審查其論文時,是在什麼機構工作?→答:從她的學生檔案看來,似乎是Michael J. Elliott和教授Leonard H. Leigh在1983年10月審查了蔡總統的論文〔頁74-75〕。)→他們的名字以論文「指導教授」的身分首次出現在蔡英文1990年升等時的教師資格審查履歷表,然而這兩人皆任教於LSE,不可能是外部口試委員!LSE事後也坦承相關資料是意外取得,而英國行政法庭已判定這份口委名單未經確實查證!
6. What is the thesis number for Ms Tsai Ing-wen's 1983/1984 doctoral thesis?
→Please check with Senate House.(蔡英文女士1983/1984博士論文的論文編號是什麼?→答:請向倫敦大學行政中心核實!)→倫敦大學已於2022年公開承認當年蔡英文的論文並沒有被發表!
Please provide details of Ms Tsai Ing-wen's graduation ceremony. On
which date did it take place? Did she graduate in absentia or was she
present at the ceremony? Are any records of that graduation ceremony
check with Senate House, as my findings so far (and I await
confirmation) suggest that LSE began holding graduation ceremonies in
the early 1990s. It is therefore likely that the School's PhD students
in the 1980s would have had the opportunity to attend UoL
ceremonies.(請提供蔡英文女士畢業典禮的詳情。是在哪一天舉行的?她是缺席、還是出席了畢業典禮?有無任何可用的畢業典禮記錄?→答:請向倫敦大學行政中心核實!因為我目前的調查結果〔我在等待確認〕顯示,LSE是在1990年代初開始舉行畢業典禮。所以本校在1980 年代的博士生有機會參加倫敦大學的典禮。)
Dose the LSE hold any records related to an incident in 2011 where
someone attempted to submit a copy of Tsai's thesis to libraries at the
LSE and University of London?
→We have uncovered none, though I await feedback.(關於2011年有人試圖將一份蔡論文的副本提交給LSE和倫敦大學的圖書館,LSE是否持有事件的任何記錄?→答:我們毫無發現,但我在等待反饋。)→在2019年6月27日LSE博士學院副總監寫給同事、以及同年10月9日倫敦大學總圖回覆林環牆的電郵中,都提到論文是在2011年才轉發給IALS!
9. Please provide Ms Tsai Ing-wen's UoL/LSE student transcript.
suggest you contact the UoL, which would issue its own certificates. It
is unlikely that a PhD student would have had a transcript in addition
to a certificate. I have attached an albeit poor quality copy of
President Tsai's certificate that is contained on her student
file.(請提供蔡英文女士的倫敦大學 / LSE學生成績單。→答:我們建議您聯繫頒發證書的倫敦大學。除了證書以外,博士生不太可能會有成績單。我附上一份蔡總統學生檔案內的證書影本,雖然質量很差。)
Please advise whether UoL has ever issued a replacement diploma to Ms
Tsai Ing-wen? If yes, how many replacement diplomas have been issued?
Are you in possession of the necessary documents required for reissuing
diplomas e.g. any application forms and affidavits?
→You will need to contact the UOL.(請告知倫敦大學是否曾經給蔡英文女士補發過證書?如果有,已補發多少張證書?您們是否有重發證書所需的必要文件,例如任何的申請表和具結書?→答:您需要聯繫倫敦大學。)
note that the page numbers I have presented in brackets refer to
relevant pages in President Tsai's student file. I have explained that
subject to any redactions we consider necessary, we will disclose this
file with President Tsai's written consent. I have also attached a
scanned copy of the relevant section of our School Calendar for 1984/85,
in which the list of 1983/84 PhD awards were(?)You
will see Ing-wen Tsai listed on p92.
附檔:sattachments (3 MB) Gyodbites 1985-86.pdf; PhD Regulations
1980-81.pdf; PhD Regulations 1981-82.pdf; PhD Regulations 1982-83.pdf;
Certificate 14 March 1984.docx
※ 陳詩婷在2021年1月7日的公文中表示,由於倫敦大學成績室並無回應,將另行洽詢倫敦大學行政中心,其後不見下文!
※ 2022年6月,英國行政法院判定LSE在論文門案中違反《資訊自由法》:一方面否認持有相關資料,另一方面卻提供沒有確實查證的口試委員名單作為台灣的訴訟證據。以下之原始資料請見 http://www.bailii.org/uk/cases/UKFTT/GRC/2022/2021_0373.html,中譯謹供參考!
— 時間:2021年3月31日
— 發文者:(?)→LSE秘書長?
— 收文者:海恩斯
— 內容:Looking at it again, I was wondering where in the student file you got the information that she had two internal examiners – [XX] and [YY] – and one external examiner – [ZZ]. As far as I can see the only examiners referred to in the file are: -[ZZ], named as external examiner in a letter from Pres Tsai to ...Sec of Graduate School at LSE, 5 December 1983. -[XX], who refers to ‘my co-examiner and myself’ in a memo …dated 16/1/1983. This also suggests there were only two examiners, [XX] and one other. I see [YY] is mentioned in the file but couldn’t find him specifically named as an examiner. (我再看了一遍,想知道你是在學生檔案中的何處得知她有兩個校內口試委員〔XX〕和〔YY〕、以及一個校外口試委員〔ZZ〕的信息。就我所見,檔案中提到的考官僅限於:〔ZZ〕,在蔡總統寫給〔某人〕的一封信中,稱他為校外口試委員……LSE研究院,1983年12月5日;還有〔XX〕,他在一份備忘錄中提到「與我合作的那位考官和我自己」……日期是1983年1月16日……。我看到文件中提到了〔YY〕,但是查不到他曾被具體任命為考官。)→XX、YY、ZZ分別是指Michael Elliott、Leonard Leigh、Richard Dale!根據台灣出土的資料,XX的名字首次出現在1983年2月一封證明蔡英文的考試將在春季舉行的信函上,而YY與XX在1990年蔡英文親自填寫的的政大資審表中並列為論文指導教授!ZZ的名字也是由蔡英文自己提出的:首見於1983年的信函中,當時似乎是為了在東吳升等而請求LSE開具口試相關證明;後來在2021年的司法書狀中,也陳述了自己印象中的校外考官姓名!